La Pineda Playa
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Reus. Bravium Teatro. Magic.
09 January 2010
Sunday, January 9 630pm edy magic FAMILY by the Association of Magicians and illusionists of Catalonia Bravium Theatre
Reus. Teatre Bartrina. Theater.
04 December 2010
Theatre play: FORA DE JOC (Out of order) by Sergi Belbel-featuring Anna Azcona, Toni Sevilla, Francesc Luccetti, Queralt Casasayas and Jordi Andújar, at 9 pm at the Bartrina Theater, admission fee: €20/€15/€12, in Catalan
Reus. Bravium teatro. Family theater.
28 November 2010
Family theatre: LA PARADA DEL PERET (PERET'S STALL), by La Tremenda company, at 6 pm at the Bravium Theatre, in Catalan
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Teatro.
28 November 2010
Family theatre: LA PARADA DEL PERET (PERET'S STALL), by La Tremenda company, at 6 pm at the Bravium Theatre, in Catalan
Reus. Bravium theater. Theater.
07 November 2010
Theatre play: AIXÒ NOMÉS PASSA A LES PEL·LÍCULES (THIS ONLY HAPPENS IN MOVIES) by the COMPANYIA 8 company, directed and written by José Antonio Aguado, at 6 pm at Bravium Theatre, in catalan
Reus. Teatro Bartrina. Theater.
08 October 2010
Angelus Novus by Juan Mayorga in Bartrina Theatre in Reus, Tarragona A man carrying a virus, attacks the people to infect. Sartorio, the best doctor (police) in the city, comes to his capture. The number infected increased, creating alarm in the society. Distrust takes over society. Angelus Novus by Juan Mayorga in Bartrina...
Reus. Cinema a la fresca. Julie and Julia.
22 July 2010
La Palma. 10.30pm Julie and Julia Director: Nora Ephron. Screenplay: Nora Ephron. Cast: Amy Adams, Meryl Streep, Jane Lynch, Vanessa Ferlito, Lindsay Felton and Dave Annable. USA. 2009. 123 min. Comedy. Suitable for all ages. Catalan dubbed version. Based on two stories, Julia Child was the woman who changed the how to ...
Reus. Bravium teatre. Tales for adults
07 July 2010
10:30pm TALES FOR ADULTS by Bravo Theatre
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Theater.
13 June 2010
6:00pm THEATRE Delight HOME with the direction of James Ciurana Bravium Theatre
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Reading.
10 June 2010
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Reading. 8:00pm Reading Club THE BUTTERFLY HOUSE Antoni Pladevall Bravium Theatre
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Reading.
08 June 2010
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Reading. 8:30 pm CYCLE dramatized readings Reus, Paris and London under the direction of Henry Tricaz Bravium Theatre
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Dance.
04 June 2010
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Dance. 10pm ORIENTAL DANCE SHOW Oriental Dance, Tribal and Bollywood Bravium Theatre
Reus. Casal de Dones. Cinema.
24 November 2011
• November 10th: «Elsa y Fred». (Espanya/ Argentina, 2005). Direcció: Marcos Carnevale. 106’. • November 17th: «Quien dijo miedo?». (Hondures / Argentina, 2010). Direcció: Katia Lara. 90. • November 24th: «También la lluvia». (França / Espanya / Mèxic, 2010). Direcció: Icíar Bollaín. 101’.
Reus. Casal de Dones. Cinema.
17 November 2011
• November 10th: «Elsa y Fred». (Espanya/ Argentina, 2005). Direcció: Marcos Carnevale. 106’. • November 17th: «Quien dijo miedo?». (Hondures / Argentina, 2010). Direcció: Katia Lara. 90. • November 24th: «También la lluvia». (França / Espanya / Mèxic, 2010). Direcció: Icíar Bollaín. 101’.
Reus. Casal de Dones. Cinema.
10 November 2011
• November 10th: «Elsa y Fred». (Espanya/ Argentina, 2005). Direcció: Marcos Carnevale. 106’. • November 17th: «Quien dijo miedo?». (Hondures / Argentina, 2010). Direcció: Katia Lara. 90. • November 24th: «También la lluvia». (França / Espanya / Mèxic, 2010). Direcció: Icíar Bollaín. 101’.
Reus. Museo de Reus. Exhibition.
08 November 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 19.30, the Image Centre (Cr. Jaume Vidal i Alcover, 6, park More Churches): Home of the exhibition Cinemas in Reus: the beginnings to the Civil War (1897-1939). posters and programs that use the hand history of local cinema Reus Reus Room, Lounge Kursaal Theatre Bartrina, Fortuny Theatre, Monument and ...
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Magic.
28 January 2011
9:00pm Spark of magic by the Association of Magicians and illusionists of Catalonia Bravium Theatre
Reus. Theater days.
15 January 2011
Saturday, January 15 12:00 THEATRE THE HAPPY PRINCE Oscar Wilde, by the Company's Spinning Joint Theater 6:00pm THEATRE Disease Toni Albà, Fermin Fernandes, Gerard Domenech and Javier Macaya Second representation from 21.30 hours Bravium Theatre 6pm THEATRE NOCHE DE SAN JUAN Dagoll Dagom. Second representation from 21.30 ho...
Reus. Bravium Teatro. BROTS.
16 January 2011
Theatre play: BROTS- featuring Toni Albà, Fermí Fernandes, Gerard Domènech and Xavier Macaya, direction: Watashi Tachi, at Bravium Theatre; timetable: 13th and 14th January, at 9 pm; 15th January, at 6 pm and 9 pm; 16th January, at 6 pm, in Catalan, further information at
Reus. Bravium Teatro. BROTS.
15 January 2011
Theatre play: BROTS- featuring Toni Albà, Fermí Fernandes, Gerard Domènech and Xavier Macaya, direction: Watashi Tachi, at Bravium Theatre; timetable: 13th and 14th January, at 9 pm; 15th January, at 6 pm and 9 pm; 16th January, at 6 pm, in Catalan, further information at
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