La Pineda Playa
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Children with serious illnesses will enjoy a free villa in PortAventura
The PortAventura Foundation will launch a solidarity project aimed at helping families with a child affected by a serious illness to enjoy their own space in the park, free of charge. This space, which the foundation describes as a village, will be called PortAventura Dreams. The project will consolidate the commitment of the foundation, which has entertainment and fun as the axis of its social action, with the improvement of the lives of children at risk of exclusion due to disability or health reasons.
Investment of 3.2 million euros to improve streets and public spaces
L'Ajuntament de Salou realitzarà una important inversió, de fins a 3,2 milions d'euros, destinada a la millora dels carrers i espais públics. Per a això, s'ha dividit el municipi en set zones d'actuació, on es destinaran 2 ME i a partir de gener es destinaran 1,1 ME a la millora dels carrers del Terrer, Louis Braille i la zona del carrer Burguera. A més, s'ha tret a licitació el projecte de l'avinguda Carles Buigas, on es destinaran altres 3 ME.
The City Council shows its rejection of violence against women
Salou has demonstrated its rejection of violence against women through a series of events on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Among these, there is a Personal Defense workshop against male violence. This initiative, organized by the Women's Information and Advice Service (SIAD) of the City Council, is part of the Second Local Equality Plan addressed to the citizens of 2015-2019 and aims to promote gender equality and raise society's awareness to reduce the acts of macho violence.
Christmas illuminates the town, which is preparing the third edition of the Christmas Market
Christmas lights illuminate the streets of Salou on Friday, which is preparing for the next December 5 the third edition of the Christmas Market. Highlights of this Christmas decoration is the ten-meter-high tree installed at the intersection of Barcelona Street and Via Roma. Shops are preparing for the Christmas campaign. The lighting has been installed, in addition to the most central street, in the accesses to the urbanizations. In total, there will be about 280 motifs that adorn the city on these important dates and are distributed in a quarantine of streets.
Salou shows its most traditional face with the Fishing Contest of the Squid
The Fiesta del Calamar has become a long-term tradition, as evidenced by the 44 years it has been held in the capital of the Costa Dorada. An important part of these holidays is the fishing contest related to this tasty mollusk. So next Monday, November 26, the kick-off to fans of the fishing world of the municipality is given around this meeting organized by the Department of Culture of the City of Salou with the collaboration of the Nautical Club of the municipality.
The Blood Bank invites you to live the "SuperExperience" of the Marathon donation
On Saturday, November 24, Salou will celebrate the Blood Donation Marathon with the slogan "The superexperience of blood donation, much more than women". The Blood Bank invites you to enjoy the feeling of being a donor on this important day. The Auditorium Theater of Salou will be the main stage of this new donation marathon.
Fourteen restaurants will participate this year in the Days of Squid
The traditional gastronomic days dedicated to squid will begin next Friday, November 23, and will last until December 9. Fourteen restaurants will participate in this fifth edition, which will prepare squid menus and will participate in this initiative in order to offer a quality product and service.
Plan to improve the showers of Poniente beach
The City Council of Salou will improve five of the eleven showers that currently exist on Poniente beach. For this purpose, it will allocate 105,000 euros that will be allocated to the improvement and renewal of the platforms. The problem that affects these structures is usually the accumulation of sand, which forms dunes that prevent the water from leaving.
The Levante beach will have new devices to do physical exercises
The City Council of Salou has approved the installation of equipment destined for the physical exercise of calistense in the Playa de Llevant. In this way it is intended to offer the possibility that Salouans and visitors can practice this sport that is practiced more and more.
The Tourist Board seduce the English people at a tourist fair in London
Tourists from the United Kingdom are an important part of the employment of the summer season of Salou. Aware of this, all entities of the municipality applaud the initiative to go to London to participate in the World Travel Market, to try to seduce and offer the benefits of the Costa Daurada.
The "Torre Vella" opens a window towards the landscapes of Chile
The exhibition "Natural landscape of Chile" allows to know through photographs the orographic beauty of that country. Since last Friday, the collective exhibition of images compiled by the Chilean Federation of Photography (FCHC) can be seen in the Torre Vella cultural center in Salou.
Overnight stays on the Costa Dorada fall by 3% and return to the statistics of two years ago
The Tourism Business Federation of Tarragona (FEHT) and the Provincial Council of Tarragona have published the figures for the 2018 season, which highlights a 3% decrease in the number of overnight stays compared to 2017. The data for this season is now closed they have more similarity with 2016 than with last season, where a record rise was experienced.
Polytechnic University will study the regression of the beaches of Salou
The Polytechnic University of Catalonia will carry out a study to know the impact of the natural elements on the beaches of the municipality, especially the causes of the regression of the coast. The investigation will lead to a comprehensive and detailed report of the affectation (by natural elements and infrastructures), stability and future of the beaches of the municipality.
Fundación Repsol leads the 'Aprendenergía' workshops to more than 800 schoolchildren
Fundación Repsol develops its energy workshops in Tarragona. From November 5 to 16, more than 800 students from 6th grade and 3º from ESO participate. Through this playful and educational initiative, children and young people know more in depth the different sources of energy and become aware of the challenges for the future and the need to make responsible use of energy resources.
The 2018 edition of Sports Night will be held on Friday, November 30
Next Friday, November 30, will be held in the Auditorium Theater of Salou the Night of Sport, the party where entities, associations and athletes of the municipality are rewarded for their work throughout the year. The gala will be presented by TV sports journalist TAC12, Sergi Amat and is expected to attend more than 300 athletes, in addition to their families until the capacity of the theater (about 550 people) is exhausted.
Hands to work with the renewal of the pavement in the main roads of the city
The municipality of Salouen will allocate more than one hundred thousand euros in the renovation of the pavement of the avenues and streets that present a worn aspect with the passage of time and use. That is why this morning has begun to act on the street Festival Commission.
The plenary decides to freeze taxes and regulate tourist housing in 2019
The consistory of Salou decided in the municipal plenary of October 31 to freeze taxes and municipal taxes for 2019. In addition to this measure, which has an intention to ensure budget stability and maintain the quality of the services provided by the City Council to the citizen, it was agreed to create a paper to study the phenomenon of housing for tourist use.
The mayor and the councilor agree to put an end to the problem of the Barenys ravine in 2020
Pere Granados, Mayor of Salou, and Damià Calvet, Regional Minister for Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat, have agreed on a timetable for the channeling of the Barenys ravine, which would begin at the beginning of 2020. The project is expected in June of next year. is approved by the ACA, the expropriations are carried out and the works are tendered.
Paella "in honor" of the segregation in the celebrations of October 30
Almost 900 servings of paella have been served on the midday of the celebration of October 30. The event was intended to honor the anniversary of the day of segregation of the municipality of Vila-seca, 29 years ago. This afternoon the town councilors, headed by the mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, have served the massive paella in the Pavilion Salou Center.
400 participants in the first activities of the Festivities of October 30
About 400 people participated this Sunday morning in the different sports activities that gave beginning to the Festivities of October 30, in Salou. The tests have been a bicycle ride, an excursion and a popular walk. The three "fronts" have gathered about 400 people.
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