La Pineda Playa
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Golf Pitch & Putt La Figuerola - Vandellòs
Figuerola del Camp, Costa Dorada.
Campo de 18 hoyos modalidad Pitch&Putt - Booking on-line
Golf les Palmeres d'Aigües Verds - Reus
Uno de los recorridos más largos de España con 18 hoyos
Montañas de Prades - Paraje Natural de Poblet
Barberà de la Conca, Costa Dorada.
Montañas de Prades - Paraje Natural de Poblet
Parc Natural del Montsant
Cornudella de Montsant, Costa Dorada.
Parcs Naturals de la Generalitat de Catalunya
Welcome to Delta de l'Ebre
Generalitat de Catalunya Rutas del Palau Robert
Restaurant El Pescador
Vandellòs , Costa Dorada.
Restaurant El Pescador
Restaurant Missamaroi
Els Guiamets, Costa Dorada.
Restaurant Missamaroi
La Flor de Sal Restaurant
Reus, Costa Dorada.
La Flor de Sal Restaurant
Nightclubs, bars and pubs in Cambrils
Cambrils, Costa Dorada.
Nightclubs, bars and pubs in Cambrils
Les Carpes del Cel -- (Roda de Barà)
Les Carpes del Cel -- (Roda de Barà)
Hostelcat ofrece 8 talleres de cocina para los profesionales
La feria para profesionales del sector de la hostelería Hostelcat, que tendrá lugar en Fira de Reus del 5 al 7 de mayo, incluye la realización de diferentes talleres de cocina, junto con las jornadas técnicas y el espacio de exposición con más de 3.500 m2. En los talleres de cocina participarán 8 restaurantes de nuestro ter...
Cambrils will host the IX Spanish Championship of Karate Wuko 2012
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. 25th April 2012. The Pavilion will host the Ninth Municipal Cambrils Spanish Championship Karate Wuko 2012 the 28th and 29th April. The event coincides with the 25th anniversary of Cambrils Karate Club, who will be responsible for organizing the tournament, with the support of the World Union Karate ...
The restaurant opens the terrace Boella and believes in vegetables and fresh vegetables
La Canonja (Tarragona). Costa Dorada. The gourmet restaurant La Boella, Espai Fortuny, welcoming the summer with new and a fun novelty: planting a garden in which grow the vegetables that are used to prepare the dishes on the menu. The gastronomic Espai Fortuny has always been based on seasonal produce and, from now on will...
Tarragona promotes the publication of a guide on the Costa Dorada
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. 25th May 2012. The Tourist Board of the Tarragona Provincial Government has worked with El País-Aguilar in the publication of a comprehensive guide that covers the attractions of the Costa Dorada. The publication contains over 200 pages of practical information on cultural and commercial area, as we...
Serhs modernizes and expands its distribution platform in Tarragona
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. SERHS, the first Catalan tourism group, has completed the expansion works of the unloading docks and modernization of its facilities with us cold Distribution Tarragona with an investment of 3.4 million. From this facility, located in Tarragona, offers a comprehensive service to customers in the are...
Bienvenidos a y a
A partir de este martes, 24 de marzo, el portal, al que también se puede acceder mediante el dominio, inicia una nueva etapa con el objetivo de ofrecer una amplia visión del día a día de Salou y de todo el conjunto de la Costa Dorada y las Terres de l'Ebre. Nuestro portal, con una excele...
Parrita, in concert at TAS Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. Singer Valencia Vicente Castro, Parrita, will perform Friday, April 16 at Auditorium Theatre in Salou town at 10pm. Parrita on the stage play the songs from his latest album and other songs of his long career. The new work of the artist, 'piece of our life', was produced by José Losada and includes ne...
Vive 40 reaches Torredembarra
Torredembarra. Costa Dorada. The most anticipated summer event returns to the Costa Dorada. On 25 July Torredembarra hosts a new edition of Vive 40. With the support of the City of Torredembarra the promenade filled from 19pm until midnight spectacular free activities aimed at the more adventurous. Looking forward to the dr...
RumbAmazigha at the Pau Casals Auditorium in El Vendrell
El Vendrell. Costa Dorada. A mixture of rumba and the Moroccan Amazigh music you can hear in the concert of Music for Diversity, which organizes and sponsors the Social Services Department of the Municipality of El Vendrell, with the support of the Municipal Auditorium Pablo Casals. This concert will be on Sunday 13 June at...
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