La Pineda Playa
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Torredembarra. LibraryMestra Maria Antónia. Tales.
04 November 2009
Torredembarra. Biblioteca Mestra Maria Antònia. Tales. 6pm SPACE FOR THE FAMILY (3 to 8 years) "Stories with smells" Library Mestra Maria Antonia.
El Vendrell. L'Eina Business Space. Conference.
05 November 2009
Vendrell. L´Eina. Business Space. Conference. 7pm Opportunities to a crisis: How to be reborn with more thrust. Lecture by Mr. Oriol Amat Salas. Professor of Economics and Business Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Area Business Tool. Camino Real 13-17. 3rd Floor.
Parque Natural de Montsant. Nature outgoing.
08 November 2009
Parque Natural de Montsant. Nature outgoing. Nature outing: Let's go birdwatching! (organized by the Montsant Natural Park; with the colaboration of the Institut Català d'ornitologia; duration: half day; free activity; limited space; reservations required; meeting point: at 8 am in front of the Bar Únic in La Morera de ...
Parque Natural de Montsant. Interpretative hike.
07 November 2009
Parque Natural de Montsant. Interpretative hike. Interpretative hike: bridle paths at the Solans (organized by Pedrenca; duration: half day; low difficulty; free activiby;limited space; reservations required; meeting point: Cabacés).
Parque Natural de Montsant. Interpretative hike.
21 November 2009
Parque Natural de Montsant. Interpretative hike. Interpretative hike: Diversity at west Montsant. Biodiversity and ethnology Organized by El Brogit Guiatges; duration: Day long; moderate-to-low difficulty; free activity;limited space; reservations required. Meeting point: Margalef de Montsant)
Parque Natural de Montsant. Interpretative hike.
15 November 2009
Parque Natural de Montsant. Interpretative hike. Interpretative hike: chromatic beauty. Autom landscapes. Organized by Catsud; duration: day long; low difficulty; free activity;limited space; reservations required; meeting point: Ulldemolins.
Montsant. Natural Park. Senderism.
29 November 2009
Montsant. Natural Park. Senderism. Interpretative hike: the path of the Carthusian monks (organized by the Montsant Natural Park Duration: day long Low difficulty Free activity;limited space; reservations required Meeting point: La Morera de Montsant)
Montsant. Natural Park. Senderism.
28 November 2009
Montsant. Natural Park. Senderism. Interpretative hike: Bird's eye view. Panoramics, crags and predators (organized by Pedrenca) Duration: day long; moderate-to-high difficulty Free activity;limited space; reservations required Meeting point: La Morera de Montsant
Montsant. Park Montsant. Floral itinerary.
14 November 2009
Montsant. Park Montsant. Floral itinerary. Flora itinerary: forest mosaic at Sant Blai (organized by the Montsant Natural Park) Duration: half day. Low difficulty; free activity;limited space; reservations required. Meeting point: La Morera de Montsant)
Torredembarra. Biblioteca Mestra Maria Antonia. Reading Club.
23 December 2009
Torredembarra. Biblioteca Mestra Maria Antonia. Reading Club. 6pm Martina Storytelling, Storyteller SPACE FAMILY The history of Tió (must enroll) Library Mestra Maria Antonia
Torredembarra. Library. Children's activities.
17 February 2010
Torredembarra. Library. Children´s activities. 5.30pm SPACE for the FAMILY Joe and Tina scooter Paperina Must enroll Library Mistress Maria Antonia
Torredembarra. Library Mestra Antònia. Activities.
27 January 2010
Torredembarra. Library Mestra Antònia. Activities. 5.30pm SPACE FOR THE FAMILY "Hand and cranks" Must enroll 7pm FILM CLUB (VOSE) 1984, by Michael Radford
El Vendrell. Rambla. Festival.
07 March 2010
El Vendrell. Rambla. Festival. Folk Festival, by Aires del Sur and Chorus rociero White Dove Time: At 12 h Location: La Rambla Organizer: Asociación Cultural El Vendrell in Spain
Montsant. Natural Park. Senderism.
11 April 2010
Montsant. Natural Park. Senderism. Interpretative hike: the path of the Carthusian monks (organized by the Montsant Natural Park Duration: day long Low difficulty Free activity;limited space; reservations required Meeting point: La Morera de Montsant)
Torredembarra. Family space.
05 May 2010
Torredembarra. Family space. 4pm SPACE FOR FAMILIES "Swimming for babies from 0 to 18 months" Must enroll Library Mistress Maria Antonia UDT and Annabel Gimenez Library Masterpiece Maria Antonia Wednesday 5 5:15 pm SPACE FOR FAMILIES "Swimming for babies 2 to 3 years" Must enroll Library Mistress Maria Antonia UDT and...
Cabaces. Visit to Mas Roger.
19 July 2010
Visit to Mas Roger by the museòloga Montserrat Caballero (duration: half a day- reservations required- limited space)
El Vendrell. Night visits.
16 July 2010
Night visits + small tasting by "Les Cuines del Vendrell", from 8.30 pm to 10 pm in the gardens- Admission: €10, (Limited space - reservation needed) - more information at
El Vendrell. Villa gardens. Visits.
16 July 2010
Night visits + small tasting by "Les Cuines del Vendrell", from 8.30 pm to 10 pm in the gardens- Admission: €10, (Limited space - reservation needed) - more information at
La Morera de Montsant. Wine tasting.
23 July 2010
Wine tasting session offered by la Morera de Montsant - Escaladei wineries: CELLER LA CONRERIA D'SCALA DEI and CELLER AMETLLER, at 7pm at the Monastery of Escaladei, reservation on tel. +34977 827 006, limited space, price: €10
El Vendrell. Family activity.
05 August 2010
Family activity: discover the museum, from 6 pm to 8 pm. Adults: €8, children: €4 (Limited space - reservation needed) - more information at
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