La Pineda Playa
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Tarragona: home of the 5th part of the Ciclying Tour finishing in Vinaròs
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. The Tour of Spain starts its journey on Thursday 3er Setember of 2009 through the Spanish territory, in a stage of 174 km that will connect the city of Tarragona with Vinaròs in the province of Castellon. This time, the Tour has started in the town of Assen Netherlands, this being the most internati...
Ocine Gavarres projected a pass free for presentation ,Avatar, by James Cameron on Friday
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. If you want to attend next Friday, August 21th of 2009, to the world a preview of the movie "Avatar" from James Cameron (director of “Titanic”) you can do so by sending a request for information at the end of the new. Spanish throughout the state are only 10 cinemas participating, including Ocine Le...
Satisfaction in Tarragona for increasing of the number of visitors received for the city
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. More than 138,700 tourists visited Tarragona in the first seven months of this year 2009, up 23% over the same period last year, so the president of the Tourist Board of Tarragona, Sergi de los Ríos, and manager entity, Carlos Sanz, have expressed their satisfaction. This increase was detected follo...
The City Council of Tarragona show visits by self with MP4 arragona Romana
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. El Pla Integral de la Part Alta (PIPA) and Patronato Municipal de Turisme de Tarragona have presented an innovative service to visit the archaeological site of Tarraco declared World Heritage Site. It is serving as an MP4 audio and allows users to listen to information from 24 points of interest at ...
Fireworks Competition of Tarragona reaches the final straight
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. Fireworks Competition Tarragona which began last July 7th of 2009 reaches the finish line after the castles pyrotechnics fired by the Hermanos Caballer of Almenara (Castellon), Jost Feuerwerke of Austria and Pirotècnia Martí 7, 8 and July 9, respectively. The latter comes from Burriana (Castellon) h...
Hermanos Caballer opens the Fireworks Competition of Tarragona
Tarragona (Costa Dorada). The fireworks Hermanos Caballer from Almenara (Castellon) is responsible for the opening on Tuesday, July 7th of 2009 the XX of edition Fireworks Competition of Tarragona. Within the family of Caballer from Valencia, which dates back to 1880, this is a new company, dynamic and innovative, which is ...
The Savinosa beach in Tarragona, ready for summer with new access and improving their environment
La Savina beach in Tarragona is ready for this summer after the improvements have fet the Environment Ministry and the Municipality of Tarragona. Specifically, we have created areas with ladders and access for people with physical difficulties. Apart from the new access, has also installed a platform that serves as the boun...
Mestre Economistes abre oficina en Tarragona, aunque manteniendo la sede central en Salou
El despacho profesional Mestre Economistes ha abierto unas nuevas oficinas en la Rambla Nova de Tarragona con el objetivo de estar más cerca de los clientes. "En estos momentos, cuando es fundamental contar con el apoyo y el asesoramiento de los profesionales en economía, queremos estar más cerca de nuestros clientes para p...
Tarragona se promociona como destino turístico en Amsterdam, Bruselas y Madrid
El Patronato Municipal de Turismo de Tarragona realizará este mes de mayo diversas acciones para promocionar turísticamente la ciudad. Concretamente, y como miembro del Grupo Ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad de España (GCPHE), participará el 12 de mayo en un workshop en Amsterdam; el día 14, hará otro en Bruselas y el 28...
Tarragona, candidata española a los XVIII Juegos del Mediterráneo de 2017
La asamblea del Comité Olímpico Español (COE) ha aprobado por unanimidad el proyecto de Tarragona como candidata única del Estado español a organizar los XVIII Juegos del Mediterráneo del año 2017, donde toman parte 21 países de la ribera del Mediterráneo. La candidatura de Tarragona ha dejado fuera la de Cartagena, que fin...
El primer hotel de 5 estrellas de Tarragona, junto a la catedral
El Ayuntamiento de Tarragona aprueba mañana 31 de marzo en el Pleno el acuerdo con la empresa constructora que hará posible el primer hotel de 5 estrellas de la ciudad. El acuerdo prevé la rehabilitación de Ca l'Ardiaca, antigua sede de la rectoría de la Catedral y uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de la Part Alta (casc...
Tres Gracias de Reus y la procesión del Santo Entierro de Tarragona, centran la Semana Santa
Las dos principales ciudades del Camp de Tarragona, Reus y Tarragona, acaparan un intenso programa de Semana Santa, en el que destacan las Tres Gracias y la Procesión del Santo Entierro. Para conocer más sobre estas tradiciones y todo el detalle de los programas de la Semana Santa en est...
PortAventura and Tourism Alliance participate jointly in FITUR 2013
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. January 30, 2013. The Alliance formed by the tourist towns of Cambrils, Tarragona, Salou and Vila-seca, again participated in FITUR tourism fair in conjunction with a meeting space PortAventura. This year, the main objective focuses on internationalization, prioritizing growth in the traditional mar...
Tarragona gets into sport by the hand of the Adidas Running Day
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. Next 11 desembre is celebrated the Adidas Running Day at Parc del Francolí. The activity is organised by the Conselleria d'Esports and Running Solutions and goes from 10 am to 2pm for amateur and profesionals of Athletiss. The ADIDAS RUNNING DAY is a national sporting event that runs for the second...
The City of Salou launches 9 new wireless zones
Salou. Costa Dorada. The City of Salou has launched the new areas that expand the possibilities Local wireless internet for its citizens and visitors. A total of 9 new wireless zones are well marked and operational throughout the municipal territory. New Wi-Fi zones, always located in public spaces and avoid residential are...
Salou Tourist WTM fair returns to London with 'optimism' about the future of the sector
Salou. Costa Dorada. Salou has been present at the fair Tourist World Travel Market (WTM) in London in the corner for the Costa Dorada, a compulsory attendance as a meeting point of the tourism sector in the world where the capital of the Costa Dorada could not miss. Note that in Salou, British visitors account for about ...
Salou has opened the Christmas Parck Xic's Space
Salou. Costa Dorada. December 29, 2012. Salou has opened the doors of the Space Xic's, Christmas Salou Park organized by the Department for Children under the brand Xic's Club. This morning the mayor, Pere Granados and the area councilor, Julia Gomez thanked the efforts of volunteers thirty plus 8 monitors and six auxiliar...
Xic's Club joins the festival of winter with the white body
Salou. Costa Dorada January 25, 2013. The Department of Children living in the city of Salou actively winter festival of the town and across the Xic's Club has organized ten activities designed for children and families in the township. Without a doubt, above all, stands the third white body Xic'S (Friday, 1 February) which...
Salou is prepared to receive the Beach Volleyball Championship 2011
Salou. Costa Dorada. This September 5, 2011 held at the City of Salou the presentation of the end of the Spanish Championship of Beach Volleyball in 2011 that will take place this weekend at the Levante beach in the town of Tarragona. The event was attended by the Mayor of the town of Salou, Pere Granados, Councillor for Sp...
Green light for the first phase for the development and improve the old town of Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. The mayor of Salou, Pere Granados Planning Councilman Marc Montagut different concessionaires have signed contracts to develop the administrative phase of the development project of the Old Town of Salou. It was also signed the contract with the company that developed the remodeling of the light source ...
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