La Pineda Playa
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La ocupación hotelera de Tarragona durante la Semana Santa ha sido de un 80%
Los hoteles de Tarragona han conseguido llenar el 80% de las plazas durante la Semana Santa, una cifra muy similar a la del año anterior y que la Asociación Hotelera de Tarragona califica de todo un éxito teniendo en cuenta la recesión económica y el mal tiempo que ha hecho durante estos días de vacaciones. Por otro lado, l...
V Carrera Popular de Primavera de Salou contra el cáncer
El Grupo Freesia, conocido por sus actividades destinadas a recaudar fondos para la lucha contra el cáncer, ha organizado junto con el Ayuntamiento y el Patronato de Turismo de Salou la V Carrera Popular de Primavera, que tendrá lugar en el municipio el domingo 3 de mayo. La prueba comenzará a las 10 horas en el Paseo Jaime...
El Patronato de Turismo de Salou entrega distintivos de calidad a 6 establecimientos del municipio
El presidente del Patronato de Turismo de Salou, Marc Montagut, ha dado hoy a 6 establecimientos turísticos del municipio el distintivo que acredita que han conseguido la implantación del "Sistema Integral de Calidad Turística Española en Destino (SICTED). Este programa está patrocinado por la Federación Española de Municip...
Port Aventura en venta
La entidad Criteria Caixa Corp, de la Caixa de Pensions i Estalvis de Barcelona, que actualmente posee el 100% de las acciones de Port Aventura SA, ha decido poner a la venta más del 50 % de su paquete de acciones, de manera que dejará de gestionar el complejo (parque, hoteles, golf, etc.) Varios han sido los pasos previos ...
El próximo 6 de Noviembre se celebra la Fiesta del Aceite Nuevo en La Boella
On 6 November The Boella Festival celebrates its traditional New Oil, a unique opportunity to test in scoop the first pressing of the 2011 harvest one of the best virgin olive oils in the country. The annual festival will be this time on Sunday November 6 from 9 to 12 hours on the outside of your wine cellar and gourmet sho...
El mejor vino de la DO Terra Alta se reune el próximo fin de semana en Batea
El Consejo Regulador de la DO Terra Alta ha organizado un año más la Feria de la Denominación de Origen, que tendrá lugar en Batea el 18 y el 19 de abril. El primer día se centrará en una jornada técnica dirigida a profesionales, bodegas y viticultores, mientras que la Feria propiamente dicha, con catas y demostraciones eno...
Cambrils has a new online platform to Saborea Spain
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. Presented in Madrid Spain savor the new online marketing platform, where you can buy, quickly and easily, dining experiences in packs, divided into five categories, in 18 destinations, including Cambrils. Councillor for Tourism, Xavier Martin, said today it is one of the most impo...
Tourism Cambrils presents in Madrid Taste Spain
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. Under the slogan "Discover the secrets of Spain to eat" restaurant Pedro Larumbe Madrid has been the scene of the presentation to the media platform Taste Spain. The Spanish eat Association, headed by Pedro Subijana, is composed of four entities of national and international Fehr (Spanish federation ...
It was presented ,Taste Spain, to the tourism sector of Cambrils
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. Taste Spain (Saborea España) is an initiative that encompasses a set of destinations in Spain, the Spanish Federation of Hotels and associations of Euro-Toques chefs and Facyre with the aim of strengthening and promoting comprehensive proposals gastronomic tourism. Cambrils has been a major driving...
Cambrils is meeting with the director of the Catalan Tourism
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. The mayor of Cambrils, Merce Dalmau, Councillor for Tourism, Xavier Martin, and the Director of Tourism, Amelia Rico, met this afternoon with the director of the Catalan Tourism, Xavier Espasa, and marketing director, Jordi Secall. Some of the topics discussed during the meeting were the promotional ...
Speakers from the day of Publicity 2011
Publicity Speakers of the day 2011 HIGHLIGHTS: Violante Michelangelo: It is a lecturer and trainer of journalists. Law Degree in Journalism and an MBA from ESADE. Professor of corporate communication in EAE Business School, Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, Senior Hospitality Center Galicia. School of Tourism of the Autonomou...
The first edition of 'Cambrils Regatas Autumn', four weekends during October
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. Costa Dorada. Cambrils Yacht Club has submitted the first edition of the Yachting Cambrils Fall, an initiative to realize during the month of October that includes four of campeonatos Cataluña modalidades of the Laser, 420, J80, Crucero, and he has told with the Support of Town Hall Cambrils. From En...
Half a dozen of hotels remain open year-round in Cambrils and three more at Vila-seca/La Pineda
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. Half a dozen of hotels remain open year-round in Cambrils Up to six hotels in Cambrils remain open during the winter months. Hotels are located in different areas of Cambrils and can meet the needs of everyone: for groups, couples, families or couples, and for all budgets, from four to two stars. Cam...
Cambrils launches campaign 'Pull the blanket' to raise awareness of the harm of the illegal sale
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. The Confederation of Commerce of Catalonia (CCC) has launched this August 4, 2011 the campaign "pull the blanket 'in order to educate the public about the reality of the' top manta ', which facilitates the exploitation of people fuels the economy and harms the companies legally established, among oth...
Cambrils presents new line of merchandise designed by the artist Nuri Mariné
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. Mayor Cambrils Robert Benaiges; the Councillor for Tourism, Ana Lopez, and manager of Tourism, Amelia Rico, presented the new merchandising Tourist Board, designed by local artist Nuri Mariné. The articles will be available central office of Tourism. The author of the new image has explained that the...
Cambrils present at Hostelco
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. These days, Barcelona has hosted the fair Hostelco a dating professional hotel and restaurant in the country with over 350 exhibitors and 30,000 feet of employment and an estimated 85,000 attendees. One of the most prominent at the fair was the first edition of Expotapa, a new and unique setting that...
Cambrils welcomes you to a dance Sports Olympiad with 3500 participants from 5 to 9 April
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. Cambrils is the seat of Easter is a big dance competition of sports that take you from day to cabo 5 and 9 April 2012, dates to be held at the World Dance Sport VI OJ 'Dance Olympiad', a competition that held in five different modalidades and divulging that shares with the dancer about 3500 and baila...
Cambrils is promoted in Andorra and lots stays in campsites and hotels
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. Cambrils Tourism intensifies advocacy in Andorra with the collaboration of the Camping Association, 3 hotels, the Unió de Botiguers of Cambrils and PortAventura theme park. The promotional action will take place from 4 to 6 March and will take place inside the mall Illa Escaldes Charlemagne, a strate...
Tourism Cambrils attend the Fair & BABY MAMA in Madrid
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. This weekend, 28 and 29 November, Tourism Cambrils attend the Fair & BABY MAMA in Madrid. Under the umbrella of Tourism of Catalonia, the brand is promoted Family Holidays Destination, along with all certified municipalities of Catalonia. Within the space of the counter Costa Dorada attend the 3 muni...
Publicity prepares Cambrils II, the day dedicated to advertising and touristic promotion
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. The Cambrils Tourist Board organized again the Second Week of Tourism Promotion, Publicity 2009, aimed at industry professionals and students, and this year will be held on the 27th of November, in Hotel TRYP Port Cambrils and under the slogan "Selecting and positioning attributes. The day of a biann...
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