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Search: sant pere
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Crafts market
07 August 2010
8.30pm Hall Sant Pere Infant Hospitalet de l'Infant Arts & Crafts Exhibition Open from August 7-18 (6.30pm-8.30pm)
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Sala Sant Pere. Exhibition.
02 July 2010
New painting exhibition at the Sant Pere Hall Today Friday, July 2, at 8pm, is scheduled inauguration of the exhibition of paintings by Joan A. Escriba. This exhibition can be seen in Peter Hall Infant L'Hospitalet until 13 July, Monday to Friday, from 5pm to 8pm. By Scribe, Mora d'Ebre neighbor born in 1932, this will be n...
L'Hospitalet. Sala Sant Pere. Paintings exhibition.
04 July 2011
Painting exhibition: Llum i Color (Light and Colour), by Manel Castellnou and M. Victoria Margalef. Monday to Sunday, from 6 pm to 9 pm. In the Infant Pere exhibition hall
L'Hospitalet. Sala Sant Pere. Paintings exhibition.
03 July 2011
Painting exhibition: Llum i Color (Light and Colour), by Manel Castellnou and M. Victoria Margalef. Monday to Sunday, from 6 pm to 9 pm. In the Infant Pere exhibition hall
Vandellòs. Diada de Sant Jordi.
23 April 2011
Day of Sant Jordi April 23rd, Hospitalet de l'Infant Sardana By the couplet "The Principal de Tarragona 6:15 pm, Plaza Catalonia Pedro Infante in the room, starting at 19h, Opening of the 19th Exhibition of Painting of St. George Local Hall Sant Pere, 7pm Open April 23 to May 8th, Monday through Friday from 17 to 20h.
L'Hospitalet. Sala Sant Pere. Paintings exhibition.
05 July 2011
Painting exhibition: Llum i Color (Light and Colour), by Manel Castellnou and M. Victoria Margalef. Monday to Sunday, from 6 pm to 9 pm. In the Infant Pere exhibition hall
Reus. Iglesia de Sant Pere. Christmas Crib.
20 December 2009
Reus. Iglesia de Sant Pere. Christmas Crib. XIII Christmas show organized by the Congregation Belenistas Mariana of Reus 19 December to 6 January Monday to Saturday from 10.30h to 1.30pm and from 5pm to 9pm Prioral the Church of St. Peter. Closed in the afternoon on 31 December and 5 January.
Reus. Iglesia de Sant Pere. Christmas Crib.
19 December 2009
Reus. Iglesia de Sant Pere. Christmas Crib. XIII Christmas show organized by the Congregation Belenistas Mariana of Reus 19 December to 6 January Monday to Saturday from 10.30h to 1.30pm and from 5pm to 9pm Prioral the Church of St. Peter. Closed in the afternoon on 31 December and 5 January.
Reus. Plaza Sant Pere. Castellers.
12 June 2010
Reus. Plaza Sant Pere. Castellers. Castellers (human towers) by the Xiquets de Reus, Margeners de Guissona and Bordegassos de Vilanova, at 6.30 pm at Plaça Sant Pere
All the culinary and gastronomic activity of Cambrils, in a calendar
has published a
calendar with
the main gastronomic
activities held
throughout the
in the town
The gastronomic
capital of the
gastronomic events
during 2014
based on
local products
or proximity
both land
and sea.
Reus. Festa de Sant Pere.
28 June 2011
Showing of all the festival components of the city. At 8 pm at Plaça del Mercadal. Procession with the local authorites accompanied by the traditional elements of the Popular Retinue and the Xiquets de Reus human castles. As of 8.15 pm. Route: Plaça del Mercadal-Prioral de Sant Pere church-Plaça del Mercadal. Followed by ...
Cambrils. Centre Les Basses. Conference.
05 May 2011
Conference: "We are unique, we are water: energy, memory and command of water" Date: Thursday, May 5th Time: From 5pm to 7pm Location: Civic Center Les Basses (Carrer Sant Pere, 32)
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Church of Sant Pere. Christmas mass.
24 December 2009
L´Hospitalet de l´Infant. Church of Sant Pere. Christmas mass. Midnight Mass and singing of carols by the choir Arsis, on December 24 At 24h in the parish of St. Peter
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Church. Christmas mass.
24 December 2009
L´Hospitalet de l´Infant. Church. Christmas mass. Church Sant Pere 00hs Christmas mass and carols by Coral Arsis
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Library Sant Pere. Tales
09 April 2010
L´Hospitalet de l´Infant. Library Sant Pere. Tales. 6pm The Time story: "Ali, the master thief and other stories Turks
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Guided tour a la Sala Sant Pere.
23 October 2010
9.00h-1.00pm Centre Cultural Infant Pere (en construcció) L’Hospitalet de l’Infant Pere Guided tour Cultural Centre Peter Child (under construction) for students of the school and the INS Mestral Berenguer de Entenza.
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Guided tour a la Sala Sant Pere.
21 October 2010
9.00h-1.00pm Centre Cultural Infant Pere (en construcció) L’Hospitalet de l’Infant Pere Guided tour Cultural Centre Peter Child (under construction) for students of the school and the INS Mestral Berenguer de Entenza.
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Biblioteca Sant Pere. Tale.
03 December 2010
6pm Tale Time The little rat
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Parroquia . Palm blessing.
17 April 2011
12.30pm Parroquia Sant Pere in L´Hospitalet de l´Infant Palm blessing
L'Hospitalet de l'infant. Centre Cultural Infant Sant Pere. Poetry concert.
15 April 2011
8pm Centre Cultural Infant Sant Pere Poetry concert
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