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The Gaudí Centre closed 2012 with a record number of visitors
Reus. Costa Dorada. January 25, 2013. A total of 79,138 people visited the Gaudi Centre in 2012, which represents an increase of 1% in 2011 resepecte and, therefore, a record number of visitors since the facility opened. The Gaudí Centre has offset the expected drop in domestic visitors to the increase of international visi...
The Gaudí Centre Reus gets over 70,000 visitors annually
Reus. Costa Dorada. For the first time since its inauguration, the Centre Reus Gaudí had over 70,000 visitors annually. Between June 2010 and 2011, a total of 71,412 people visited the facility, which representing an increase of 16.96% over the balance of the year internanual past when there were 61 055 visits. The number o...
The Gaudí Centre receives 40% more visits during the summer compared to the same period of 2010
Reus. Costa Dorada. A total of 31,557 people visited the Gaudi Centre during the summer season (June, July and August) of 2011, 40% more visitors compared to the same period last year. These data, which correspond both to individual visitors as guests and organized groups are extremely positive and confirms the power of att...
Reus will the next 18 and 19 November the Fair Oil of Siurana
Reus. Costa Daurada. On Friday 18 and Saturday the 19th of November Reus welcomes you to the fifteenth of Siurana Olive Fair Fair: "The feast of the new oil / The Feast of the Olive New," which is organized by the Municipal Patronage of Tourism and Commerce of Reus the Regulatory Council of the DOP Siurana and Agricultural ...
Reus prepares for ExproReus 2011
Reus. Costa Dorada. The activity in the installations of the firaReus Tecnoparc is very strong these days before the opening of the 41st Fair of Fairs, Expro / Reus 2011 this October 8, 2011. FAIR FOOD AND BEER: The booth dedicated to the tasting of beers have been very well received. Thus, the Fair of Food and Beer craft b...
Presented Expro / Reus 2010
Reus. Costa Dorada. This morning we presented the poster and the thematic parallel Express / Reus 2010. This year, Express / Reus reaches its 40th edition and why the topic chosen was "The Time Tunnel". The first express edition / Reus was in 1942, but Initially held every six years. The period between fair and fair was sho...
My experience: Da Igual is not just a name
I look and I can not avoid the thrill from a wide smile. You who read these lines and I do not know. Or, who knows. Today I want to tell you something ... It's Saturday May 19th, half past seven o'clock, Reus Olympic Hall, Da same concert ... but today is not any concert or for me or for this city. Solidarity and latent f...
All finished in Valls on Sunday to celebrate 'The Great Feast of the Calçotada''
Valls. Costa Daurada. On Sunday 29 January will take place in one of the Valleys most popular festivals in the country and genuine, "The Great Feast of the Calçotada", which this year celebrates its 31st edition. As was usual, the last Sunday of January, gala dress and valleys throughout the day will hold all sorts of activ...
Programa d'actes del Carnaval de Reus 2012
Reus celebra un dels Carnavals més sonats de la Costa Daurada. La capital del Baix Camp presenta un programa d'actes molt atapeït, on destaca la rua del proper dissabte o l'Expoprofit, que es farà el dilluns 20, dia festiu arreu del país. Programa d'actes del Carnaval de Reus 2012 Dijous 9 de febrer - Inauguració de l'exp...
My experience: Da Igual is not just a name
You who read these lines and I do not know. Or, who knows. Today I want to tell you something ... It's Saturday May 19th, half past seven o'clock, Reus Olympic Hall, Da same concert ... but today is not any concert or for me or for this city. Solidarity and latent feelings this place where I am. Because today the group th...
The Reus 2010 Lan Party expects a thousand attendees between Thursday 25 and Sunday 28
Reus. Costa Dorada. The sixth edition of the LANPARTY Reus, the largest gathering of Internet users in Catalonia, according to the organizers, will be held at the Fira Palau de Reus between Thursday 25 March and five in the afternoon of Sunday 28, when s 'quench network. The LANPARTY Reus 2010 is expected to participate up ...
Special guided tours to visit the modernist heritage of Reus on Easter
Reus. Costa Dorada. At Easter, Reus Tourism program special tours to visit the most prominent modernist heritage Reus. A single ticket package includes a guided visit three different locations, the Center Gaudí, Modernism and the "Pavilion of the distinguished" Pere Mata Institute, designed by Lluis Domenech i Montaner in R...
'The Passio' from Reus, 27 and 28 March in the Fortuny
Reus. Costa Dorada. La Passion de Reus back another year, to be represented the next 27 and 28 March 2010 at the Teatre Fortuny. Also this year the work will be organized by the theater company's Teatre SF/87 Llop. Directed by Josep Maria Llop, this theater group is 'The Passion' Reus since 1997. In these thirteen years, ha...
Easter in Reus. The feet of Christ in the Billboard for the Easter Week 2010 in Reus
Reus. Costa Dorada. The Association for Easter week in Reus has presented the lineup of the Holy Week 2010, which this time shows a photograph of bloody feet of Santo Cristo de la Sangre de Reus. The Holy week of Reus, with over 450 years of history, is one of the most deeply rooted traditions in the city and, despite attra...
'The Fire' by Sidonie, on 6 March in Reus
Reus. Costa Dorada. Sidonie, the Catalan groups pop of the last years, arriving the next day Reus on 6th March will present in concert for their latest album 'The Fire'. The group will begin its spectacular live starting at 10pm. in Sala Novoo in the capital of Baix Camp. His latest work The fire is the fifth studio album f...
Starts in Reus the tour of the play ,An Ideal Husband, by Wilde
Reus. Costa Dorada. On February 9, will play at Teatre Fortuny de Reus updated version of the famous play by Oscar Wilde An Ideal Husband. We will offer 34 performances of this work in 29 municipalities throughout Catalonia in the framework of Culture on Tour. Josep Mestres, responsible for the direction of this new version...
TASTAtardor in Baix Camp until December 13
Reus. Costa Dorada. This November 14, starts the gastronomic TASTAtardor Baix Camp, which this year includes 3 plants as novelty shops where you can find quality food products in the region. These establishments are Pratdip Agrotienda of the pork butcher M. Dolores Ciurana Forest Camp and pastries Revull Botarell. They can ...
Tourism, trade and services, most awarded sectors at Reus Chamber Awards for 2009
Reus. Costa Dorada. Reus Chamber of Commerce has announced the verdict for Reus Chamber Awards 2009. The awards will be presented in Montblanc (Conca de Barbera) at the Chamber Awards Night which will take place on Friday 13 November in the Pavilion of the Casal Montblanc. In addition to the Chamber Awards during the Awards...
The Gaudí Center, a model for openness in Catalonia of 10 similar centers tourist reception
Reus. Costa Dorada. The Minister for Innovation, Universities and Enterprise, Josep Huguet, visited this past November 30, 2009 the facilities of the Center Gaudí Reus, a installation these past months of June, July and August, 20,305 people visited, this figure represented a 18% increase over the same period last year. In ...
Reus. Costa Dorada. A total of 20,305 people visited the Gaudi Center during the past months of June, July and August 2009, a 17'9% more visitors compared to the same period last year. Given the current environment of crisis, these data are particularly positive and confirm the Gaudí Space Center as a tourist attraction in ...
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