La Pineda Playa
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DHU Iberica kits distributed at the relief Cambrils to treat jellyfish stings
The general director of pharmaceutical Dhu Ibérica, Alex Castilla, has delivered this past week in one of Cambrils total of 25 kits that contain a specific product for treatment of jellyfish stings. This Iberian Dhu action to combat the effect of the chopped jellyfish has been carried out at the moment in Cambrils, but this...
Cambrils ya ha activado el servicio de vigilancia y salvamento en sus playas
Cambrils ya ha activido el servicio de vigilancia y salvamento de las playas, que funcionará durante todos los fines de semana de mayo a las playas de mayor afluencia de público, es decir las playas del Regueral, Vilafortuny, Cap de Sant Pere y Riera. A pesar de tratarse de temporada baja, la afluencia de visitantes en esta...
Cambrils presenta el nuevo merchandising con la obra efímera Aterramar de David Callau
El Patronato de Turismo de Cambrils y el artista David Callau han presentado el nuevo merchandising de la ciudad, inspirado en los dos elementos más característicos del municipio: el mar y la tierra. Con esta idea, se ha querido conservar la tradición, pero mirando desde otra perspectiva. La presentación consistió en una pe...
La Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo de Cambrils celebra su 25 aniversario con perspectivas de crecimie
La Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo de Cambrils (Baix Camp) celebra este año su 25 aniversario con la vista puesta en el crecimiento de su oferta formativa para el curso 2010-2011. Esta es una de las previsiones más ambiciosas de la Escuela, que ve como año tras año la demanda de los estudios que ofrece es más elevada. La esc...
Cambrils finaliza la señalización del carril bici del paseo de Poniente
En el cas de Cambrils, a començaments de 2005 disposàvem d’unes 130 places de bicicletes distribuïdes en 13 ubicacions. El model que és més recomanable d’aparcament és el de tipus barra o “U invertida”, perquè permet subjectar bé la bicicleta i poder-la lligar per diferents punts del quadre. A més, aquest tipus d’aparcament...
Cambrils conserva sus estrellas Michelin
Dos restaurantes de Cambrils (Can Bosch y el Rincón de Diego) conservan su estrella Michelín para la edición 2009 de la famosa guía gastronómica. Son los dos únicos restaurantes de la provincia de Tarragona que tienen esta distición. Can Bosch es además un veterano de la Guía Michelín, ya que lleva nada menos de 24 años apa...
Semana Santa entra en su punto álgido en la Costa Dorada y las Terres de l'Ebre
Jueves Santo marca la entrada en el grueso de los actos más tradicionales de la Semana Santa de las diferentes poblaciones de la Costa Dorada y las Terres de l'Ebre. En Reus y Tortosa se celebra la Procesión del Silencio. En Reus (Baix Camp) se inicia a las 11 de la noche, y transcurre por las calles a oscuras, sólo ilumina...
The V Festival of the gear, on traditional fishing, this Saturday in Cambrils
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. The association "Arjau Cambrils" organizes fifth edition of the" Feast of the gear. Traditional fishing in Cambrils. This party's main objective historical recreation present and evaluate the trade of the fisherman and his family, through the techniques and work at sea or on land directly related. To...
AUGUST DAY 7 INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL QUARTET GERHARD 22h. Cripta de l’Ermita Price: 10 euros DAY 8 OUTLET FAIR Plaça Espanya DAY 9 OUTLET FAIR Plaça Espanya CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT Workshops, games, balloon craftwork, face painting, mini disco, etc. 18:30 h - 20:30 h. Parc del Pescador ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN: LET’S P...
Return the 24hs of Beach Volleyball in Cambrils
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. The 24 volleyball start on Saturday 30 July 2011 at 18pm in the sports area of the beach Regueral While in 2010 it had 24 teams this year are expected to be figures of past years about 30 or 35 teams and a total of approximately 120 players. Teams are a minimum of 2 players and a maximum of 4 players...
Cambrils want a 5 star hotel
Cambrils. Costa Daurada. Cambrils City Council has already begun talks with an investor group to make in the near future a large five star hotel in Cambrils, who became the first complex of this category of municipality. Although the project is still in its early stages, its location debate between Esquirol Tower, in the Vi...
Vila-seca this weekend begins the Summer Festival
Vila-seca. Costa Dorada. Organised by the Municipal Tourism Vila-seca, gets underway this weekend acts of the summer festival that brings together several events over two weekends. The first, and concentrated in La Pineda in honor of the feast of St. James, will begin this Friday with the family entertainment Estany Paseo P...
The Auditorium José Carreras presents the new spring season
Vilaseca. Costa Dorada. The president of the José Carreras Foundation Auditorium, Josep M. Pujals, the secretary of the Foundation, and consultant Josep Toquero programming Auditorium, Joaquim Garrigosa, presented the new program of the spring season of the auditorium Jose Carreras of Vilaseca. The program will begin on Fri...
Vilaseca opens its theater season full of comedies
Vilaseca. Costa Dorada. This 2011 Vilaseca enjoy a schedule filled with comedies. In addition to the former guerrilla theater, the stage will rise Jordi LP, the theater troupe and John Negrié Grappa, the New York Marathon. In total there are six scheduled shows from this Saturday until June 12. For years the Friends of the ...
Josep Carreras Auditorium presents the new spring season
Vilaseca. Costa Dorada February 14, 2013. The president of the Josep Carreras Foundation Auditorium, Josep M. Pujals, the Secretary of the Foundation, Joseph Toquero; advisor programming Auditorium, Josep F. Solórzano and programming consultant and director of the Orchestra and Chorus of the AJC, Andres Pastrana, presented ...
Open registration for the new edition of La Pineda Beach Triathlon
La Pineda. Costa Dorada. Mountain Section of the Association of Cultural Vila-Seca, in collaboration with the Department of Sports of the Municipality of Vila-Seca and Tourism Department, has prepared the organization of the fifth edition of Triathlon Compressport La Pineda beach. The race will take place on Sunday October ...
The first Ultra Trail Mountain Costa Dorada expects 400 participants in September
Vila-seca. Costa Dorada. Juny 19th, 2012. A new sporting challenge and human reaches the Costa Dorada. It is a 95km mountain race nearly 5,000 m of elevation and positive ULTRA TRAIL MOUNTAIN COSTA DORADA (UTMCD), the expected participation of 400 people who submitted on Tuesday 19 June, President of the Regional Council of...
The magazine Gastronomy and Tourism celebrates 25 years giving prizes and awards
La Pineda Platja. Vila-seca. Costa Dorada. The magazine 'Gastronomy and Tourism', directed by Felix Llovell and Ramon Segú, this year celebrates its 25th anniversary. For this reason, this past Friday, 11 June 2010, Tourism and Gastronomy's dinner will be held at Hotel Grand Palas, the Beach Pineda (Vila-seca) event during ...
The new attraction of PortAventura will premiere on May 12
Vila-seca. Salou.The highest roller coaster in Europe finally opened on 12 May. The Shambhala starthere 15 days. Thisattraction is called Pharaohs to be the new icon theme park of PortAventura. This attraction has a maximum height of 76 meters, has a fall of 78 meters, has a distance of 1650 meters and its length is more th...
La Pineda, a priority destination for tourism Russian
La Pineda. Costa Dorada. The town of La Pineda has become, during the summer 2011, the main target of the Russians in the Gold Coast, according to the Centre for Tourism Studies of the Costa Daurada. More than 15 years, entrepreneurs from the Estival Park hotel complex and the hotel Palas Pineda were the pioneers in promoti...
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