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The City Council shows its rejection of violence against women
Salou has demonstrated its rejection of violence against women through a series of events on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Among these, there is a Personal Defense workshop against male violence. This initiative, organized by the Women's Information and Advice Service (SIAD) of the City Council, is part of the Second Local Equality Plan addressed to the citizens of 2015-2019 and aims to promote gender equality and raise society's awareness to reduce the acts of macho violence.
Christmas illuminates the town, which is preparing the third edition of the Christmas Market
Christmas lights illuminate the streets of Salou on Friday, which is preparing for the next December 5 the third edition of the Christmas Market. Highlights of this Christmas decoration is the ten-meter-high tree installed at the intersection of Barcelona Street and Via Roma. Shops are preparing for the Christmas campaign. The lighting has been installed, in addition to the most central street, in the accesses to the urbanizations. In total, there will be about 280 motifs that adorn the city on these important dates and are distributed in a quarantine of streets.
Fourteen restaurants will participate this year in the Days of Squid
The traditional gastronomic days dedicated to squid will begin next Friday, November 23, and will last until December 9. Fourteen restaurants will participate in this fifth edition, which will prepare squid menus and will participate in this initiative in order to offer a quality product and service.
The plenary decides to freeze taxes and regulate tourist housing in 2019
The consistory of Salou decided in the municipal plenary of October 31 to freeze taxes and municipal taxes for 2019. In addition to this measure, which has an intention to ensure budget stability and maintain the quality of the services provided by the City Council to the citizen, it was agreed to create a paper to study the phenomenon of housing for tourist use.
End of the season of beaches in the second year without fatalities
The Department of Local Police and Civil Protection of Salou has valued very positively the season of beaches that has concluded these days, especially for being the second year in which no fatalities have been recorded. This fact has led the councilman of the area, David Gonzalez, to say that "we can say that it has been a very good season".
The mayor asks the higher spheres for more funding to improve tourism
Pere Granados, Mayor of Salou, has requested greater involvement of the higher authorities in the modernization of tourist destinations, through increased funding. Granados has participated today in the XIX International Tourism Forum of Benidorm Smart Data 2018.
Thirty activities complete the program of the Festa Major of October
Salou volverá a estar de fiesta esta próxima semana, cuando se celebra la Fiesta Mayor del 30 de octubre, aunque los actos comienzan ya el sábado 20. Uno de los actos más simbólicos de la fiesta es el Pregón, que este año irá a cargo de Josep Abelló Padró, exalcalde de Reus y que ocupó este cargo de 1985 a 1999. Dentro de las celebraciones, también destacan el 15 aniversario del Baile de Bastones. Esta efeméride servirá también para presentar el vestuario de noche-gala del grupo, además de otras actividades.
Campaign to raise awareness about safety in the circulation of cyclists
The Local Police of Salou has presented a campaign, which the city has baptized as "Salou, space of coexistence", and whose purpose is the responsible and safe use of the bicycle. The action began last week informing cyclists about the rules to follow for proper circulation in Salou, after which penalties will begin for non-compliance with regulations, such as helmet use, correct lighting or compliance with the rules of security.
The Local Police focuses its employer celebration about safe driving
Road safety has been the center of interest in the celebration of the day of the patron of the Local Police of Salou, in a ceremony of delivery of distinctions in the Plenary Hall of the City Council. The event had a great attendance, where a documentary that explains the real case of an accident that occurred in the municipality was presented.
The story of King Jaime I sister the towns of Salou and Calvià
The plenary session of the city council of Salou approved last July the twinning of the municipality with that of Calvià, in Majorca, to which joins the history related to King Jaime I.
Cleaning in the wooded area of Cap de Salou
The municipal brigade is currently working on cleaning the undergrowth of the Cap de Salou, with the aim of improving the appearance of that area. The works were carried out yesterday in the area of Pla de Maset and Camí de Racó.
The City Council commissioned an ambitious study on the state and possible improvements of the beaches
The company DPT21 will be responsible for carrying out in the municipality of Salou a comprehensive improvement plan for the beaches of the municipality. The in-depth study, which has been contracted by the City Council, will supervise the weak points, which need improvement, as well as highlighting those that are already successful.
Installed a defibrillator in the Plaza de la Fuente Luminosa
Salou has since August 13 with the first defibrillator installed on public roads in the municipality. It has been located in the Plaza de Francesc Germà, popularly known as the Plaza de la Fuente Luminosa. The new DEA point has been located in a known location, centrally located and easy to locate.
The procession and the castle of fires, high point of the Nits Daurades
The most awaited moment of the festivities of Salou, the Nits Daurades, will arrive on August 15 with the procession in honor of the Virgin and a monumental fireworks castle, hand in hand with Pirotécnia Mediterráneo.
The mayor asks the police to protect workers who do not join the cleaning strike
Pere Granados, mayor of Salou, has asked the security bodies to guarantee the right to access to their work to the cleaning service employees who do not wish to join the planned strike from August 17 to 24.
The Salou Art Festival, a showcase for local artists
The talent of the local artists will be evident one more year with the Salou Art Festival, a showcase for them to make known their virtues in the "bel canto", music or dance. The square of the Autonomous Communities will host this Saturday the second edition of the festival.
Salou already has a canine unit to strengthen Local Police patrols
The proximity patrol of the Local Police of Salou will count from today with a new "member", a trained dog that opens the Canine Unit of the municipality. The task of this unit will be to complement the work of the agents in front of incitement attitudes, support in the detection of drugs and to carry out awareness actions in the educational centers of Salou.
The Beach Police unit has six new bicycles to patrol today
The City of Salou has invested 4,200 euros in the purchase of material and vehicles for the Police of Beaches, in charge of monitoring the coastal area of the municipality. This police unit works from the Jaume I police station, which serves citizens every day from ten in the morning until eight in the afternoon.
Project for the integral renovation of five streets of the Carles Buigas area
The streets Falset, Penedès, Torremolinos, Ramon Llull and Roger de Llúria de Salou will be completely renovated soon, as can be seen from the project that the City Council has recently closed. The budget for the works amounts to 96,800 euros and the works will be extended over six months.
The plenary session approves that Salou is a "city for Peace" that recognizes the victims of violence
The corporation approved yesterday a motion that declared Salou a "city for peace and non-violence" through an institutional declaration of recognition to all victims of violence. This initiative, presented by all the members of the council, wants to locate in the capital of the Costa Daurada as a municipality free of all violence and in favor of peace.
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