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Enrique Bañuelos gets an interview with the Mayor of Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. November 24, 2012. The Mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, and the president of the group "Veremonte" promoter of the Barcelona World, accompanied by CEO Xavier Adserà, interviewed on a visit to Salou, where the goal was to developments and to meet project specifications, exchange views on the implementation...
The Blue Flag now flies on the beaches of Levante and Chaplains of Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. 12th July 2012. The mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, together with the Councillor for Beaches, Julia Gomez and councilman of Environmental Quality, Ramon Pascual, have flown the European Blue Flag beaches of Levante and Capellans. The distinctive blue flags awarded by the Association for Environmental Edu...
Salou has 31 new police officers to strengthen the local body for summer
Salou. Costa Dorada. The mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, together with the Chief Inspector of Local Police, Jose Luis Gargallo, and the head of the Basic Training School Police of Catalonia, Imma Molas, have welcomed Monday, 22 March 2010, the 31 new police training interns starting in Salou, once passed the respective tests...
Salou promotes a legislative change that takes into account the uniqueness of the tourist towns
Salou. Costa Dorada. Salou City Council will lead to approval at the next plenary meeting a motion on the financing of the tourist towns which aims to join forces to take into account the unique characteristics of such places. The details of the motion were presented by Mayor Salou, Pere Granados, in Fitur, the Internationa...
Salou creates a new bike lane on Paseo Miramar in front fo Ponent beach
Salou. Costa Dorada. The City of Salou enables a new bike lane on the Poniente beach, as approved at the last Local Government. The stretch of action is approximately 600 feet and will serve to unite the existing lane coexistence in PaseoJaume I to ride the bike path with the municipality of Cambrils and will run along the ...
Salou presents the winter festival with the 30th anniversary of the Cós Blanc as the star act
Salou. Costa Dorada. The mayor of Salou, Pedro Granados, along with Councilwoman Culture and Events, Isabel Aguilera, presented the winter festival which begins next Friday January 29th with the presentation of Pubilles and the proclamation, by the actor Jordi Rios, Puyol of the Crackòvia TV3. This year the festival presen...
Salou, base of Spain 's Karate Championship
Salou. Costa Dorada. Salou will host on 20 and 21 March 2010 in the Spanish Championship absolute category for the first time, arrived in the capital of the Costa Dorada and, rarely has organized outside of Madrid. This important event related to the martial arts will take place in sport hall of the municipality and will be...
The School of Commerce of the Costa de Salou began the course with 250 students
Salou.Costa Dorada. On October 29 will kick start of the first academic year of 2009-2010 College of Commerce of the Coast (ESCC). The school was founded under the leadership of the Center of Trade of the City of Salou and the antenna Campus Extensive Knowledge of the Rovira i Virgili; participate more actively in the Confe...
Salou is hosting the 8th Christmas Fair for the fight against cancer
Salou. Costa Dorada. On Saturday, November 28th 2009, the Group held the 8th Fair of Christmas in c / Falset - Charlie Chaplin's / Christies (opposite the hotel near the Santa Monica hotel Caspel). For this event are expected about 1,000 people to the coast and the province. The fair will feature homemade products and craft...
Salou awards the best businessmen
Salou. Costa Dorada. It was held under the Auditorium Theater of Salou the third edition of the Night of businessmen, an act of support and appreciation to the business of the municipality. The awards are divided into four categories to which candidates can choose depending on the sector come from, their interests, the busi...
Epi, Blas y el Monstruo de las Galletas abren Port Aventura 2009
Port Aventura abrirá de nuevo sus puertas este próximo viernes, 27 de marzo, a las 10 de la mañana, con los personajes de Barrio Sésamo Epi, Blas y el Monstruo de las Galletas, entre otros. A partir del próximo mes de junio, y pensando especialmente en el público infantil y familiar, estos personajes se instalarán en México...
The universe idyllic chromatic Myriam Arnold arrives at the Torre Vella
Salou. Costa Daurada. March 14, 2013. This Saturday at eight in the evening inaugurated a new exhibition at the Art Center of the tower salouenca Miriam Arnold Llao. The artist's work shows a deep Mediterranean roots in his personal vision of nature. Visitors to the exhibition will be open from March 16 to April 6 will disc...
Salou promotes the DOP of Delta de l'Ebre whith cooking workshop
Salou. Costa Dorada. Municipal Markets are meeting places, proximity centers essential to inform and interact with buyers and consumers, the products of our Mediterranean diet. Our markets are natural areas, where consumers can find fresh, quality products, as well as the most appropriate, where farmers, fishermen and farme...
Martian machines invade the Promenade Jaume I in Salou
Salou. Costa Daurada. 26th of july 2012. On Saturday July 28 will be held at 11 am Opening Ceremony to mark the start of the Games Ambar in Salou, an event which the Aragonese beer pays tribute to classic bar games. The event will feature local authorities and the heads of those who made the tour kick off a football desig...
14 temporary agents to reinforce local police during the high season
Salou. Costa Dorada. March 4th 2013. The European Chamber of the Civic Center this morning was the meeting point for the 324 candidate / s, between 18 and 40 years who have completed the test cultural tie to qualify for one of 14 places temporary reinforcing agents surveillance and the staff of the Police Force of Salou sum...
Continue the holiday in Salou with fresh and free activities for all ages
Salou. Costa Dorada. Activities for everyone this weekend in the capital of the Costa Dorada. After the Summer Festival, with a large influx of visitors in the streets of Salou on the agenda is still very full of activities and events for all ages. For most young music fans, the revelation local talents performing every nig...
CALENDAR OF EVENTS CONCERTS August SERGIO DALMA Day 10 (22h). Football stadium in Salou GOLD NIGHTS FESTIVALS August FESTIVAL OF THE DISTRICT / URB. VIEWPOINT OF SALOU 4 and 5. Neighborhood association Mirador de Salou Andén ZERO FESTIVAL 2012 17 and 18 (from 20:30 h). Comunitats Autònomes square Performance of local DJs, d...
Awarded the final phase of improvement works of the old town of Vila-seca
Vila-seca. Costa Dorada. The Local Government Board has awarded the contract for the last phase of the renovation and improvement of streets in the Old Town of Vila-seca. These works refer to the last phase of the C sector that includes the streets of San Jose, Tarragona (between Plaza Estudi and Las Ramblas), St. Peter (u...
Salou cumple 19 años
El próximo 30 de octubre Salou cumple 19 años como municipio independiente de Vila-seca. Para celebrar esta efeméride histórica la población declaró esta fecha como fiesta mayor, que en la edíción de este año se iniciará el 24 de octubre y finalizará el 1 de noviembre. El programa de actos previsto incluye actividades cultu...
I Feria Marítima de la Costa Dorada
El Secretario por la Movilidad de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Manel Nadal, inaugurará la I Feria Marítima de la Costa Dorada, que se celebrará en el Muelle de Ribera al Puerto de Cambrils entre los días 22 y 25 de mayo. El acto inaugural se realizará a las 19 horas. En esta primera edición, el puerto cambrilense reunirá un...
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