La Pineda Playa
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Opening of the refuge of the Civil War at carrer Creud in Cambrils
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. Tomorrow, Saturday december, 5th 2009 at 12 noon inaugurated the renovation of the shelter of the Civil War of carrer Creus. In this area the City of Cambrils started in September 2007, the work of recovery and valuation of the public construction appeared early in 2006 during renovation of the stre...
11 Cambrils ' artists open the doors of their workshops during the weekend
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. On December 5 and 6, Cambrils artists open their doors of their ateliers to display their work and where they work. The initiative, which is repeated for the second consecutive year, is sponsored by the Cultural Department of the Municipality of Cambrils is framed within the program of Festival of th...
Party of the new oil in Cambrils this weekend
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. The Agricultural Cooperative Agricultural and Caixa de Cambrils held on Sunday 6 December, the Feast of the Olive back to the facilities of the road Cambrils - Montbrió. Popularcomenzará Breakfast at 9 am. The novelty of this edition is that it will open the new Agrobotiga recently opened, and beyond...
Diumenges al Teatre back for the eighth consecutive year Cambrils
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. A year Cambrils City Council has launched the program Diumenges al Teatre. The programming, which includes 8 works are scheduled from October to May, provided a rich supply within the performing arts. Younger children may live and live the magic of live theater. The works proposed by the local thea...
The 35th International Music Festival begins this Saturday Cambrils
The next day July 25th is the start of the 35th International Festival of Music in Cambrils. A festival full of excitement where you can enjoy different music styles. The start of the Festival will be in charge of the Structures and the Labyrinth Music sound in the plaza Mossèn Joan Batalla, from 18 to 21 hours, where young...
More than 350 horses this weekend at the Fira del Cavall XX Cambrils
Over 350 horses will meet this weekend in Cambrils during the XX Cavall of Fira de Cambrils, a sample over the years has become a benchmark level state for the quality and quantity of individuals that are can see. The most important ingredients of days that will live in Cambrils with the horse as a major player from start t...
DHU Iberica kits distributed at the relief Cambrils to treat jellyfish stings
The general director of pharmaceutical Dhu Ibérica, Alex Castilla, has delivered this past week in one of Cambrils total of 25 kits that contain a specific product for treatment of jellyfish stings. This Iberian Dhu action to combat the effect of the chopped jellyfish has been carried out at the moment in Cambrils, but this...
250 profesionales asistirán a las 1as Jornadas de Innovación y Excelencia a las Administraciones
Los próximos 14 y 15 de mayo, Cambrils acogerá estas jornadas pioneras en Cataluña promovidas desde el Ayuntamiento del municipio con el apoyo de diferentes Admistracions de ámbito local, autonómico y estatal. El Hble. Antoni Castells, Conseller de Economía y Finanzas presidirá el acto inaugural. Son 250 los profesionales i...
Cambrils presenta el nuevo merchandising con la obra efímera Aterramar de David Callau
El Patronato de Turismo de Cambrils y el artista David Callau han presentado el nuevo merchandising de la ciudad, inspirado en los dos elementos más característicos del municipio: el mar y la tierra. Con esta idea, se ha querido conservar la tradición, pero mirando desde otra perspectiva. La presentación consistió en una pe...
The Co-Brand Falset opens an Agrobotiga in Cambrils
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. The Co-Brand Falset agrobotigues network expands by opening a hotel in Cambrils, the first outside the Priorat. Has opted for a town with culture, gastronomy and tourist attractions to market the full range of wines, vermouth, olive oils and balsamic, and other agricultural products quality. The new ...
Cambrils receives Sant Antoni Festival 2013
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. January 4, 2013. Cambrils is getting ready for the festivities of San Antonio 2012 am activities. The celebration will take place from 12 to 20 January 2013. Sant Antoni 2013 From 12 to 20 January CAMBRILS BY: CASH AND AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE AGRICULTURAL CAMBRILS COLLABORATION: City of Cambrils •...
Cambrils24h is the new guide for iPhones in Tourism of Cambrils
Cambrils. Costa Dorada. 11th July 2012. The mayor of Cambrils, Merce Dalmau, and Councillor for Tourism, Xavier Marti, presented the guide to Cambrils terminal iphone, ipod and ipad containing all necessary information for tourists who enjoy cambrilencs arena. The outstanding features of this application are provided when s...
AUGUST DAY 7 INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL QUARTET GERHARD 22h. Cripta de l’Ermita Price: 10 euros DAY 8 OUTLET FAIR Plaça Espanya DAY 9 OUTLET FAIR Plaça Espanya CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT Workshops, games, balloon craftwork, face painting, mini disco, etc. 18:30 h - 20:30 h. Parc del Pescador ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN: LET’S P...
Vilaseca opens its theater season full of comedies
Vilaseca. Costa Dorada. This 2011 Vilaseca enjoy a schedule filled with comedies. In addition to the former guerrilla theater, the stage will rise Jordi LP, the theater troupe and John Negrié Grappa, the New York Marathon. In total there are six scheduled shows from this Saturday until June 12. For years the Friends of the ...
SésamoAventura, 6th PortAventura theme area, will open its doors on April 8
Vila-seca. Costa Dorada. PortAventura The new season comes a great new feature for families with young children. On 8th April 2011, coinciding with the start of the season, will open its doors SésamoAventura's 6th theme park area. It has 11 attractions and services tailored to the needs of smaller families. With a surface a...
Artur Mas ,PortAventura has been a success story that has generated jobs,
Vilaseca. Costa Dorada. 13th May 2012. The President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, said during the inauguration of Shambhala, the highest roller coaster in Europe, that "PortAventura is a success story" and stressed that "it is worth remembering the perspective giving the years. " The Chief Executive explained that for a l...
Vilaseca begins the commemoration of San Isidro
Vila-seca. Costa Dorada. Vilaseca will hold from 12 to 15 May 2011 the Fiesta de San Isidro, the Feast of the Local Farming organized by the Municipality of Vila-seca, the Agricultural Cooperative of Vila-seca, the Cultural Association Villarreal Association Friends of the horse. The festivities begin on Thursday 12 at 20.3...
Winter Mayor Holiday. Cós de Sant Antoni.
WINTER FESTIVAL Sant Antoni 2011 From 14th to 23rd January Thursday, January 13 At 11.30pm Sociedad Las Vegas "the Artitistre" Show-urban Free admission Friday January 14 At 7.45pm Castle of Vilaseca Concentration of Traditional Courtship Dancing With the Devils Vilaseca, the trabucaires Los Comunes, the Capgrossos of Vil...
Begin operating the new officers of La Pineda beach and the electronic Town Hall
La Pineda. Costa Dorada. 4th July 2012. It came into operation on the beach of Pineda a new service: police beach, which runs through September 30. Monday to Sunday and from 10 am to 7 pm, the three new police patrol on the beach will be permanently on the beach in La Pineda. With the start-up of this service is tradition...
Cancer Conference gathers in Pineda This July 25
La Pineda. Costa Dorada. On Sunday 25 July from 18pm to take place in La Pineda Day Annual Collection for the League Against Cancer of the Tarragona region. This collected, organized by the Association of Local Vilaseca League Against Cancer of the Tarragona region will focus on the Paseo de Pablo Casals at the junction wit...
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