La Pineda Playa
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Salou, Spain pioneer in the creation of a Municipal Trade Center
Salou. Costa Dorada. Salou City Council has introduced the first Trade Center Municipal Statewide Spanish, a body created with the aim of being able to have a tool for analysis and management of commercial and business fabric of Salou. The observatory, a pioneer in Spain, has been driven by the council of Trade, Markets and...
Salou saves potable water system to irrigate their gardens with groundwater
Salou. Costa Dorada. The City of Salou, through the Municipal Water Service that manages Sorea, has launched this August, the irrigation of green spaces through their drinking water from wells. This system allows a substantial saving of water suitable for potable use. The investment is over € 450,000 and has involved the co...
Torroja, in Priorat, held on the 2nd Saturday Night of Wine
Torroja del Priorat. Costa Dorada. The municipality of Torroja del Priorat held this Saturday, August 22, 2009, the second night of Wine, a proposal has the support of the DOQ Priorat and that from the nine p.m. live the most popular activities. This year's meeting want to emphasize the characteristics of the wines that are...
Salou is preparing a special device and 2.200 parking for the concert and fireworks by the 15th
Salou. Costa Dorada. With the anticipation of a very large number of people attending the free concert today offer Jarabedepalo and Pignoise in Nits Daurades of Salou, the Department of Public Safety, Civil Protection and the Municipality of Salou Mobility has designed a special operation coordinated with the body of the ...
Botanic Park of Salou will open on August 16th
Salou. Costa Dorada.The mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, together with the councilors of local government and municipal technicians have made a joint visit to the grounds of the Botanic Park to monitor the implementation of the recent work of conditioning before the start of next Sunday August 16th at 19:30 hours, where every...
Fair of Mont-roig opens on July 31th with 70 exhibitors
The Municipality of Mont-roig del Camp organizes a year the Fair Mont-roig, a multi-event reference in the Camp de Tarragona which this year reaches the 128ena edition to be held on Friday July 31th to Sunday 2nd of August. The Fair will be installed as usual on Fair Street Aureli Maria Escarré, near the sports area and the...
XII Week Promotion Wines and Cavas of Alt Camp with DO to be held from 3rd to 9th of August
Valls. Costa Dorada.The 12th Week Promotion Wines and Cava of Alt Camp with Designation of Origin (DO) will be held from 3rd to 9 th of August of 2009, and offers great new features such as the drawing of two batches of wine and champagne courtesy of bottlers in the region and a new promotional image with pa-pais. Besides b...
Salou is preparain for the festival of young music Andén nº Zero
The Youth Department of the Municipality of Salou has prompted a new edition of the festival music Andén No Zero which aims to support young bands giving them the opportunity to participate in the concert that takes place within the municipality. The festival this year with eight groups, four of which belong to the municipa...
Torredembarra live this weekend a new edition of Mercat del Mar
El Mercat del Mar is an activity organized by the Patronato Municipal de Turisme Torredembarra, with the collaboration of different groups in the municipality, with the aim of boosting tourism and business in the locality. This year is its second year and throughout the season five calls are made (May, June, July, August an...
Born furrow to promote sustainable tourism based on the landscape
Mayors and representatives of the councils Aiguamúrcia and Pla de Santa Maria (High Camp), and The Catllar Renau (Tarragona), and Capafonts Riudecanyes and Colldejou (Baix Camp), and Ulldemolins Morera de Montsant (Priorat), and Tivissa Rasquera ( Ribera d'Ebre), met on 18 June to present a Riudecanyes stria Network, an ass...
Catalunya banks will satellite jellyfish to avoid arriving on the beaches
The Catalan government will monitor banks of satellite jellyfish to avoid, as far as possible, arriving on the beaches of Catalonia. This procedure is added to make the follow-up and light aircraft, boats and fishermen's associations. The purpose of this procedure is the detection of jellyfish to take action and prevent the...
The Triathlon Salou expects 1000 athletes this Sunday
This Sunday, June 7, is held the first of three tests of the IV edition of the TRI-TRIALS SERIES ® in Salou, where the expected participation of 1000 athletes. The test is supported by the Sports Department of the Municipality of Salou and security in collaboration with the local police. The sprint distance will be approxim...
Days begin gastronomic Octopus in Mont-Roig del Camp and Miami Playa
From 5 until June 21, a total of 15 restaurants took part in the II Octopus Gourmet in Mont-Roig del Camp and Miami Platja. The celebration of a festival on the promenade of Crystal Beach, on Sunday June 14, is the main development planned for the second edition of the conference, an initiative created last year to strength...
Giant screens to follow the match Barcelona-Manchester
Diverse populations of the Costa Dorada and the Terres de l'Ebre planned the installation of giant screens to monitor the final of the Champions League to be held today in Rome between FC Barcelona and Manchester United. The possibility that Barca added his third title of the season after the Cup and the League has unleashe...
Five years later, the 'slammers' of musical activity recovered Salou
After five years without music, the 'slammers' the street of Salou Murillo again have permission to open local nightlife. The commission of territorial Urbanismo has approved the modification of the POUM mainstay of Salou and hence, Murillo street again to join one of the most popular nightlife. The change has occurred afte...
Un equipo ciclista de Sarral, al Nissan Titan Desert, el Dakar del
La Diputación de Tarragona acogió el pasado viernes el acto de presentación del equipo integrado por tres ciclistas de montaña oriundos de las comarcas de Tarragona que participará en la competición Nissan Titan Desert, una prueba que se disputará del 27 de abril al 1 de mayo en Marruecos. La carrera, considerada el Dakar d...
Un Sant Jordi repleto de actividades lúdicas y culturales en Reus y Tarragona
Entidades y asociaciones de todo tipo, públicas y privadas, organizan multitud de actividades lúdicas y culturales que, junto con las paradas de libros y rosas, contribuyen a crear un clima festivo muy especial con motivo de la celebración de Sant Jordi. Cada año millones de ciudadanos de todas las edades viven y disfrutan ...
El programa de verano en Salou incluirá el Festival Andén y un concierto de Rosario Flores
El concejal de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Salou, Paco Gaya, ha presentado las actividades más destacadas que incluirá el programa de actos de verano 2009. Entre éstas, se encuentra el Festival Andén, un festival de música gratuito en el que participan los grupos locales, que se celebrará los días 17, 18 y 19 de julio en la...
Pere Granados (FUPS) es el nuevo alcalde de Salou después de prosperar la moción de censura
El número dos del grupo independiente Ferran Units per Salou (FUPS), Pere Granados, ha sido elegido nuevo alcalde de este municipio del Tarragonès con el apoyo de su grupo, del PP y del concejal convergente Marc Montagut por una mayoría de 11 votos a 10 después de prosperar la moción de censura contra el hasta ahora alcalde...
Salou hará más de 200 rampas en las calles para facilitar el acceso a personas de movilidad reducida
La Junta de Gobierno del Ayuntamiento ha aprobado inicialmente la primera fase del Plan de Accesibilidad municipal de Salou, consistente en la construcción de un total de 238 rampas para peatones. El importe total de esta fase es de 193.279,95 euros y será financiado de acuerdo con lo establecido en el convenio de colaborac...
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