La Pineda Playa
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Search: joan pera
Farm Museum Cambrils. Costa Dorada
Cambrils Agricultural Museum opened in 1921. Located in the heart of the vila of Cambrils. Represents a clear commitment of the Agricultural Cooperative and 'Caixa Agrària' Cambrils to combine culture and economic development.
Wine tasting in the territory of Vandellòs, Hospitalet, and Tivissa Pratdip
Vandellòs. Salou. Costa Dorada. 17 February 2012. The Association oversees the development and diversification of economic Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant, and Tivissa Pratdip (MIDIT) has organized with the collaboration of the City of Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant a tasting of the region covering these towns for Monday...
Joan Pera and Capri inaugurate on Friday the new season of TAG
El Vendrell. Costa Dorada. September 18th, 2012. The Municipal Theater Angel Guimerà starts the new season of their regular programming with the versatile John Pera and his proposal that gets the best of another John, who also laughed several generations of Catalans. The event, a must for lovers of humor and irony, is this ...
Salou awarded 46 companies in the tourism and service sectors in the IV Night of Businessmen
Salou. Costa Dorada. The area of Economic Development of the City of Salou, with the collaboration of the area of Commerce and Tourism Board in Salou organized on 16 December 2010 the fourth edition of the Night of the Businessmen in Salou. During the event, which had a significant attendance from Salou, were awarded severa...
It is created a commission to organize the Centennial of Joan Miro's arrival in Mont-Roig, for 2011
Mont-Roig. Costa Dorada. In 1911 the Catalan painter Joan Miro universal first arrived in Mont-Roig del Camp, with 18 years to heal after a long illness. Since then, and for 65 years, the artist spent long periods in the town where he began to paint and that inspired much of his work to the point that the artist claimed tha...
L'Hospitalet celebrates the opening of Cultural Center Infante Pere
Hospitalet de l'Infant. Costa Dorada. The Citizenship of Vandellòs and Hospitalet de l'Infant have had a real feast at the inauguration of the Cultural Centre Infant Pere, the building that includes the new public library, a theater-auditorium, an archive of images and a multipurpose room at Hospitalet. And this opening has...
The Bike Festival celebrates 70 years in El Vendrell
El Vendrell. Costa Dorada. 22nd May 2012. The well-known festival of cycling Vendrell was created in 1942 by vendrellenc Joan Fuste Rius (1920-1990). Everyone knew him for his strong personality and his great love to the world of cycling. Jan Fusté established that the party would be a Sunday in May, then, was the month of ...
The Albatros Restaurant continues through April with the XVII Pork Days
Salou. Costa Dorada. Salou The Albatros restaurant hosted on March 4th, 2010the regular dinner Gourmets Association of Tarragona. For the occasion, the Albatros Salou restaurant diners offered one of its most prominent specialties: baked pork at Burgos style. Note that the Albatross restaurant offers this culinary specialty...
The new cinema of Calafell opens their projections in three dimensions with ,Avatar,
Calafell. Costa Dorada. The multi-film MCB Calafell have initiated this last december 19th the screenings in three dimensions, in a room that has been conditioned to display films with this technology. The presentation was done with the screening of the film "Avatar," which world premiered yesterday. At the launch of the ne...
The smaller players in Christmas
Costa Dorada. Children are the protagonists of Christmas. That is why we could not stay without activities designed exclusively for them. As usual in recent years, a long list of towns along the Costa Dorada is organizing a "Christmas Park '. The Reus and Tarragona are the most prominent and popular, but towns such as Salou...
On sale tickets for the winter season of the Teatro Auditorio de Salou (TAS)
Salou. Costa Dorada. This November 23, 2009 will go on sale tickets for different shows that make up the winter season of the Teatro Auditorio de Salou (TAS). The schedule for the months of November to February was presented recently by the Councilor of Culture and Events, Isabel Aguilera, and the mayor of Salou, Pere Grana...
Salou travel to the World Travel Market in London to entice the English Tourism
Salou. Costa Dorada. The brands Costa Daurada and Terres de l'Ebre feature prominently on the international tourist exhibition World Travel Market, held this week in the city of London with the participation of more than 5,000 exhibiting companies, 50,000 professionals from the tourism industry and a estimate of 30,000 visi...
The Bay of Cadiz is interested in the Costa Dorada
The City Councilor for Tourism of Salou, Alberto del Hierro, together with the manager of Tourism Salou, Joan Manuel Alonso, and manager of the Boating Season, Joan Carbonell, submitted Salou as a tourism destination to a group of Andalusian Bay of Cadiz with particular reference to the marinas. Alonso, explained the main s...
Un equipo ciclista de Sarral, al Nissan Titan Desert, el Dakar del
La Diputación de Tarragona acogió el pasado viernes el acto de presentación del equipo integrado por tres ciclistas de montaña oriundos de las comarcas de Tarragona que participará en la competición Nissan Titan Desert, una prueba que se disputará del 27 de abril al 1 de mayo en Marruecos. La carrera, considerada el Dakar d...
En, por Sant Jordi, Terra dInstints, una novela de Marta Magrinyà
La diada de Sant Jordi, el 23 de abril, se vive en Catalunya como una fiesta cargada de simbolismos, de tradiciones y de valores ancestrales. El amor, el estallido de la primavera, la heroicidad del caballero que salva a la princesa o la leyenda del dragón derrotado de cuya sangre brota una rosa, junto con miles y miles de ...
Montblanc revive su pasado medieval y la leyenda de Sant Jordi del 23 de abril al 3 de mayo
La villa ducal de Montblanc vuelve un año más a revivir su pasado medieval y la leyenda de Sant Jordi en un denso y variado programa de actividades que tendrá lugar del 23 de abril al 3 de mayo. La Semana Medieval incorpora algunas novedades como un homenaje al folklorista catalán Joan Amades, que situó la hazaña de Sant Jo...
Optimismo en Salou y en la Costa Dorada por el nivel de ocupación de la Semana Santa
Los hoteles de la Costa Dorada central, Salou, Cambrils y La Pineda, son optimistas en un primer balance de la Semana Santa y calculan que se superará el 65% de ocupación prevista. 'Aunque el tiempo no ha acompañado, ha ido mejor de lo que nos pensábamos', ha afirmado el portavoz de la Asociación Hotelera Salou Cambrils La ...
Este fin de semana, la Pasión en Ulldecona, Reus y la Selva del Camp
La Semana Santa en la Costa Dorada se puede vivir de formas muy diversas. La playa, la montaña, excursiones, salidas, la noche ... cualquier opción es buena. Junto con estas posibilidades, sin embargo, son muchos los pueblos y ciudades donde la Semana Santa significa el reencuentro con la tradición y con unas manifestacione...
,Descubrir todos y cada uno de los atractivos de la Costa Daurada,
Salou es uno de los principales núcleos turísticos de la Costa Daurada, con una gran tradición y equipamientos al alcance de sus visitantes. Municipio líder en la especialización de la oferta dirigida al turismo familiar, que sigue toda la Costa Daurada. La Costa Daurada dispone de una oferta turística variada y de calidad,...
The 8th Day of Ethnology Terres de l'Ebre, in Pinellas Brai
Pinell de Brai. Terres de l'Ebre. The Department of Culture and Media, together with the Cultural Association of BROI Pi, the County Museum of Montsià and the Institut Ramon Muntaner, has organized this coming Saturday 17 October the 8th. Week of Ethnology in Terres de l'Ebre, under 'Hermits and pilgrimages: religion and po...
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