La Pineda Playa
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The Liceu a la fresca returns to the beach of Llevant on Friday evening with Tosca, from Puccini
The "Liceu a la fresca" will return on Friday evening at the Levante beach in Salou with the screening of the opera "Tosca" by Giacomo Puccini, who will perform at the Gran Teatre del Liceu.
Pere Granados of the new mayor of Salou as winner of the municipal elections
The plenary hall of the
City Hall of Salou
has been the scene of the act of constitution of the eighth Salouense Corporation, formed by 21 councilors: 7 of Sumamos by Salou, 5 of the PSC, 4 of ERC, 4 of Citizens, and 1 of the PP.
Pere Granados
has also been proclaimed as the new mayor of Salou for the term 2019-2023.
A Responsible Major Party that avoids sexist aggressions
The City of Salou has promoted a double campaign that aims to raise awareness about the consumption of alcohol, other drugs and, especially, respect, focusing on the avoidance of sexual assault and sexual harassment.
Humor, music and costumes in a Winter Festival with the Cós Blanc as main course
The humor, music and costumes related to the annual Cós Blanc parade make up a program of the Salou Winter Festival, which this year offers more than 70 free acts. El Cós Blanc premieres prizes in this 2019 edition for the best costume, the best float and the best comparsa.
Salou says goodbye to the 2018 with his Parc Jove and the New Year Party
The Department of Youth again organize two activities during these holidays, which offers a series of recreational acts that are known by the people of Salouenses and that put a finishing touch to the year 2018 with regard to the offer of municipal events for the citizenship.
The mayor congratulates Christmas with the traditional broth
It is already a tradition in Salou. The mayor is surrounded by neighbors to congratulate the parties tasting with them the typical "brou" or Christmas broth. Up to 120 liters of this tasty consommé has been distributed at the Masía Catalana, in an act in which it has also been possible to enjoy musical performances, such as the Coro Duorum of the Municipal School of Music of Salou.
Today Christmas arrives in Salou
The Cantala Tralalà and the red balloon, which will be performed at the Auditorium Theater in Salou at 15:20 hours today, Tuesday, will be the starting point of the celebration of Christmas and Kings in Salou, which has planned some thirty acts for the next weeks. On Sunday, December 16, Pere Granados, mayor of the town, will congratulate the Salouenses in an event in which they will be able to enjoy the traditional Christmas broth offered at the Masía Catalana.
The Plaza Sant Jordi hosts the third edition of the Christmas Market
A new edition of the Salou Christmas Market yesterday opened its "doors", with an offer of free activities and workshops that will make all family members enjoy it for free. The market, which opened yesterday with the itinerant show "Beduins", has as its motto "At Christmas make your store Salou", a food and gift market where you can enjoy a wide range of workshops and free activities as a family.
The local police active in the shops the campaign "Security at Christmas"
Agents of the Local Police of Salou will visit as of today establishments of the commercial zones of the city to advise in the prevention of the delinquency, in a campaign denominated "Security in Navidad". Interviews with merchants serve at the same time to approach to be more effective in the case of having to act. This campaign aims to advise, inform and be at the side of the merchants from the area of Citizen Security, and ensure the extra security needed on these dates.
The municipal budget of Salou for 2019 exceeds 47 million euros
Salou will count for the next year with a budget of 47,021,500 euros and will allocate 5.8 million euros to municipal investments. In addition to the approval of the accounts, in the same plenary session, the City Council agrees to the adhesion of the city to the Association of Tourism Municipalities of Sun and Beach AMT, whose statutes have been approved.
Children with serious illnesses will enjoy a free villa in PortAventura
The PortAventura Foundation will launch a solidarity project aimed at helping families with a child affected by a serious illness to enjoy their own space in the park, free of charge. This space, which the foundation describes as a village, will be called PortAventura Dreams. The project will consolidate the commitment of the foundation, which has entertainment and fun as the axis of its social action, with the improvement of the lives of children at risk of exclusion due to disability or health reasons.
Investment of 3.2 million euros to improve streets and public spaces
L'Ajuntament de Salou realitzarà una important inversió, de fins a 3,2 milions d'euros, destinada a la millora dels carrers i espais públics. Per a això, s'ha dividit el municipi en set zones d'actuació, on es destinaran 2 ME i a partir de gener es destinaran 1,1 ME a la millora dels carrers del Terrer, Louis Braille i la zona del carrer Burguera. A més, s'ha tret a licitació el projecte de l'avinguda Carles Buigas, on es destinaran altres 3 ME.
The plenary decides to freeze taxes and regulate tourist housing in 2019
The consistory of Salou decided in the municipal plenary of October 31 to freeze taxes and municipal taxes for 2019. In addition to this measure, which has an intention to ensure budget stability and maintain the quality of the services provided by the City Council to the citizen, it was agreed to create a paper to study the phenomenon of housing for tourist use.
The Repsol Foundation expands the registration period for the "Energy with Consciousness" program
The "Energía con consciencia" program, from the Repsol Foundation, has expanded its registration period until October 29, to allow the largest number of interested centers to participate in this educational activity. This initiative aims to raise awareness and raise awareness among third- and fourth-year students about how to make more responsible use of energy resources.
On October 1st, parking cards for the new season can be reloaded
The Salouenses who have a parking card can recharge the balance as of next Monday, October 1. That day, the new winter parking schedule starts in the blue zone; which significantly reduces the parking points of payment with respect to the summer.
Called volunteers to clean invasive plants at Long Beach
On September 16, a new day of environmental volunteering in Salou will be held on Long Beach, which will consist of the cleaning of exotic invasive plants. The activity is organized by the City Council, the Association for the Conservation of Natural Ecosystems and the Decathlon firm.
The citizens who do not respect cleaning in the streets will be sanctioned
This week will come into force the new ordinance of Civic and coexistence that provides for economic sanctions to those who do not respect the cleanliness in the municipality. Thus, those who dirty public roads and / or deposit garbage outside containers can be fined 100 or 400 euros, depending on whether the action is considered to be mild or serious.
Salou pays tribute to the victims of the attacks in Cambrils and Barcelona
Diverse acts have been carried out since the consistory of Salou to pay homage to the victims of the terrorist attacks of August 17, 2017 in Cambrils and Barcelona. Five minutes of silence at the gates of the Town Hall, the descent to half-mast of the flags and the reading of a manifesto condemning the violence have been the symbolic acts that have taken place this midday.
Installed a defibrillator in the Plaza de la Fuente Luminosa
Salou has since August 13 with the first defibrillator installed on public roads in the municipality. It has been located in the Plaza de Francesc Germà, popularly known as the Plaza de la Fuente Luminosa. The new DEA point has been located in a known location, centrally located and easy to locate.
The mayor asks the police to protect workers who do not join the cleaning strike
Pere Granados, mayor of Salou, has asked the security bodies to guarantee the right to access to their work to the cleaning service employees who do not wish to join the planned strike from August 17 to 24.
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