La Pineda Playa
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Reus. Celebration of Sant Pere.
29 June 2011
Human castles exhibition, at 1 pm at Plaça del Mercadal. By the Xiquets de Reus group. Then lunch for all in Rosich and C/ Martí Napolità streets. Organised by the Xiquets de Reus. Registrations at High mass, at 6.30 pm in the Sant Pere church. With the performance by the Orfeó Reusenc choir and the...
Reus. Teatro Bartrina. Shortfilms Festival.
25 February 2011
9:00pm XIII European Short Film Festival EUROPEAN COMPETITION III Bartrina Theater
Reus. Teatro Bartrina. Shortfilms Festival.
24 February 2011
9:00pm XIII European Short Film Festival EUROPEAN COMPETITION Bartrina Theater
Reus. Teatro Bartrina. Shortfilms Festival.
23 February 2011
9:00pm XIII European Short Film Festival EUROPEAN COMPETITION Bartrina Theater
Reus. Corpus celebration.
06 June 2010
The Corpus Christi procession From 10.00 to 13.00 and 17.00 to 20.30, al'atri San Sebastian in the Plaza del Castillo, the dancing egg. 10.00 am from the bell, knock off, which will announce the departure Giants from the City Council to tour the city streets. 12.30 is the Priory of St. Peter, holding the mass. 6.00pm fr...
Reus. Corpus Celebration.
05 June 2010
SAN PEDRO PARTY OF NATIONAL INTEREST PROPERTY From 10.00 to 13.00 and 17.00 to 20.30, al'atri San Sebastian in the Plaza del Castillo, the dancing egg. 11:00 has the market square, presentation of the giants Small Vitxets with the participation of young giants Negritos Tarragona, the giant children from Vilafranca, the Mula...
Tarragona. Oktoberfest.
09 December 2012
Oktoberfest. From 1 pm to 1 am at the Recinte Firal in the Congress Palace of Tarragona (in front of the train station). Beer and german food, life music and typical dances, etc.
Tarragona. Santa Tecla 2012.
24 September 2012
Human tower exhibition by the local groups. Each group will make two towers and one pillar. Then, each pillar will walk up and down the stairs of the Cathedral and will walk down the Carrer Major as far as the Townhall (Plaça de la Font) whrere they will be welcomed by the mayor. As of 1 pm at Plaça de les Cols, in front of...
Tarragona. Santa Tecla 2012.
23 September 2012
Performance of the Dames i Vells (Ladies and Old Men) dance. At 6.30 pm at Plaça dels Natzarens, at 7.15 pm at Plaça de l'Antic Escorxador, at 8 pm at Plaça dels Natzarens and at 8.45 pm at Plaça de l'Antic Escorxador. As part of the Santa Tecla Town Festival. Procession of St. Tecla’s arm accompanied by traditional comp...
Tarragona. Santa Tecla 2012.
22 September 2012
Poems and dialogus from the “Balls Parlats” (verse re-enactments of the battle between good and evil): Ball de Dames i Vells, Ball de Sant Miquel and Diables, Ball de Gitanes and Ball de Serrallonga. At 9.15 pm at the Pla de la Seu (in front of the Cathedral). As part of the Santa Tecla Town Festival. Showing of the trad...
Vilaseca. Winter Festival. Giants and Trabucaires.
23 January 2011
Sunday, January 23 XXIX Giants 8:00 am The streets of the town Dawn Grallers Early morning the trabucaires At c. 10:00 San Antonio (old pl. Flix) Concentration and planted Gangs Geganteres 12.00h streets of the town Parade of Giants and Grallers At . 13:30c. Nostra senyora de La Pineda Final dance delivery of memories Inaug...
Vila-seca. Winter Festival
15 January 2011
Saturday 15 January 9:00 On the slopes of the Park Station Petanque San Antonio Social Tournament 2011 At 10:30 am Park Torre d´en Dolça On the occasion of the declaration of the Body of San Antonio as Element Traditional Festival of National Interest Great party Equestrian Donkey races, pony rides and horse Workshops on t...
Vila-seca. Winter Festival.
14 January 2011
Friday January 14 At 7.45pm Castle Vilaseca Concentration of Traditional Courtship Dancing With the Devils Vilaseca, the trabucaires the Common, the Heads of Vila-seca, the Giants and Grallers Vila-Seca, the Dance of the Patufet, the Stick Dance, the Dance Cercolets the Prima Dance and verse of the Common Ministrers 8:00pm ...
Cambrils. Party of the Virgin Inmaculada.
08 December 2009
Cambrils. Party of the Virgin Inmaculada. 10hs Municipal Stadium. Torneo de Futbol 7 11.30hs Church of Santa Maria. High Mass and procession. Giant Ball and sticks. 18hs Sports Palace. Festival concert 19hs Dance festival
Cambrils. Sundays of theater: 3G.
06 December 2009
Cambrils. Sundays of theater. Teatre Casal Parroquial Plaça de l´Esglesia de Sant Pere s/n. 6pm Festival of the Immaculada presents 3G Synopsis: A journey through history school of 3 distinct generations of our country: the 50s, 80s and the present time. Fun for all ages. This show will be in Hall 2 of the ...
Vila-seca. Celebration of the fire.
19 January 2013
Fire Festival. As of 7.30 pm from the Plajça de les Voltes. By the Devil's of Vila-Seca, the Banyuts of Castellvell, the Maleïts of Salou and the Devil's dance of the Hospitalet de l'Infant. As part of the Sant Antoni Town Festival.
Vila-seca. Festa Major 2012.
05 August 2012
Parade by the Giants and Grallers (dulzaina players) of Vila-seca. At 1 pm from the Plaça de l'Església. As part of the Vila-seca Town Festival. Habaneras (folk music) and rum punch for everybody. At 9 pm in the Riera Park. As part of the Vila-seca Town Festival. Blunderbluss parade by the Trabucaires del Comú of Vila...
Vila-seca. Celebration of Sant Antoni 2012.
14 January 2012
Saturday January 14 10:30 a.m. in the Park Tower Dolça (Raval of the Sea) Horse Racing Gran Fiesta donkeys, ponies and horses rides. Educational workshops. Inflatable courtesy of Society Las Vegas. 1:00 p.m. The Parade Square Rounds of vermouth Tocats charanga band, the square end of the Church. 7:30 p.m. At the Plaza de le...
Vila-seca. Celebration of Sant Antoni 2012.
13 January 2012
Program Winter Festival of Sant Antoni 2012, Vila-seca Friday January 13 7:45 p.m. At the Castell de Vila-seca (Calle del Compte de Sicart, 67). Traditional Courtship concentration of the Devils Ball Vila-seca, the trabucaires the Commune, els capgrossos of Vila-seca, els Grallers Gegants and Vila-seca, the Ball of Tom Thum...
Vila-seca. Celebration of Sant Jaume a La Pineda
23 July 2011
Vila-seca. Fiesta de Santiago La Pineda DATE: 23 July EVENT: Family Workshop. Feast of St. Jaume in La Pineda. TIME: 20:00 LOCATION: Passeig de Pau Casals, La Pineda EVENT: Dance with the Devil Correfoc Vila-seca. Feast of St. Jaume in La Pineda. TIME: 22:30 LOCATION: Passeig de Pau Casals. EVENT: Grand fireworks display, f...
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