La Pineda Playa
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Enrique Bañuelos gets an interview with the Mayor of Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. November 24, 2012. The Mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, and the president of the group "Veremonte" promoter of the Barcelona World, accompanied by CEO Xavier Adserà, interviewed on a visit to Salou, where the goal was to developments and to meet project specifications, exchange views on the implementation...
The team of Laser Sailing Salou dominating the trophy President of the Balis
Salou. Costa Dorada. March 6th, 2012. Team Laser sailors Yacht Club Salou have dominated the President Trophy sailing that was held this past weekend in Bali Yacht Club, and Xavier Tous, in Laser Radial and Bosco Pujol, in Laser 4.7, have won the race. With the participation of hundreds of boats both Laser and Optimist clas...
Open Ballroom Dancing will bring together the world's twelve best couples
Salou. Costa Dorada. Everything is ready to Salou, make it the capital of the world dances competitions. Salou is the first European city that welcomes you to end this world, since it takes the Relay for cities such as Shanghai, Taipei and Tokyo. How big claim, the Competition incluirá for the first time the Grand Slam Fina...
The Tourist Board signs the agreement for the thirteenth edition of the Spanish Open Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. The Spanish Open Salou has become a major Dance Sport events worldwide. Six days of sports competitions dancing couples at the highest level in Salou will meet next December. The Councillor for Tourism, Benedict Dams, has signed an agreement with the last hour ATA Productions organizer for the celebrati...
The player of the NBA James Harden will lead the show of the NBA 3X Tour Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. James Harden, of the Oklahoma City Thunder and recent Olympic Champion with the men's team of basketball of USA, will be in the fifth stop of the NBA 3X Tour presented by BBVA that will take place this next weekend to the Square of the Comunitatss Autònomes to the capital of the Costa Daurada. The counc...
The School of Commerce of the Costa de Salou began the course with 250 students
Salou.Costa Dorada. On October 29 will kick start of the first academic year of 2009-2010 College of Commerce of the Coast (ESCC). The school was founded under the leadership of the Center of Trade of the City of Salou and the antenna Campus Extensive Knowledge of the Rovira i Virgili; participate more actively in the Confe...
The History Boys Josep Maria Pou, the TAS.
Salou. Costa Dorada. This Saturday November, 28th, 2009 begins the new fall season at TAS to winter with a play that has been a success: The boys from History. Everything starts at a small public school located in the male 39s industrial north of England. Perturbed by sex, sports and chaos during the 80´s, the boys are hel...
A whole success the first day on the contest of fishing for squid in Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. 37 boats have registered to participate in the 35th contest squid fishing, which every year is celebrated in the waters of Salou. The activity, organized from the Department of Culture of the City of Salou and the Yacht Club with the support of the population has developed smoothly thanks to good weath...
The fisherman Francisco Orts wins the golden calamarera on the 35th Squid Fishing Contest
Salou. Costa Dorada. With a total of 11 squid caught in the boat Salou, Francisco Orts Figueres, was the winner in the individual category 35th contest squid this 2009. In addition, Orts calamarera took the gold because last year was also proclaimed as a champion. In the category of fishing collective Anton Ginovart Bertan,...
The Teatre Auditorium of Salou programs 'The anonymous city' this Saturday
Salou. Costa Dorada. This Saturday December, 5th at 10 pm the TAS program a contemporary musical drama under the name The City Limited, a play free for all. The book tells of life in Peace, a guy who lives for several years in the City Limited. Has achieved professional success and social development. In the kind of technol...
El Ayuntamiento de Salou organiza actividades infantiles por Semana Santa en el polideportivo
Hasta el 9 de abril, en el Pabellón Municipal de Deportes de Salou, se harán una serie de actividades infantiles. Los niños y niñas de 3 a 8 años podrán disfrutar de juegos psicomotrices, recreación, deportes, juegos acuáticos, etc. en la actividad denominada “Multimedia”. La otra actividad organizada por la Concejalía de D...
AFAS prepares activities for International Alzheimer's Day
Salou. Costa Dorada. On the occasion of World Alzheimer's Day, 21 September, the Association of Relatives of Patients with Alzheimer Salou (aphasia) from Monday 19 September 2011 is developing a series of activities: workshops stimulation mental patients, yoga sessions for caregivers, educational and informative classes for...
Open to the public the Masia Catalana after the reform work
Salou. Costa Dorada. This 16th May 2011 opened the doors of the Catalan farmhouse, after the rehabilitation work of the place. The doors opened at 19 am and many people were interested in this space for easy access. The project, which has followed the guidelines of the Plan of Municipal Urban Planning of Salou and other mun...
Los olivos más viejos
Los olivos monumentales de la comarca del Montsià son de los más viejos del mundo y llegan a los 700 años según el estudio presentado por el Centro de Investigación Ecológica y Aplicaciones Forestales de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, que ha hecho este estudio por encargo del Consejo Comarcal del Montsià y el CODE. L...
La Costa Daurada y las Terres de lEbre en el Salón Internacional de Turismo de Cataluña (SITC)
Una trentena de patronats de turisme i d'oficines turístiques del Camp de Tarragona i les Terres de l’Ebre participen des del 17 al 20 d'abril en el Saló Internacional de Turisme de Catalunya (SITC), agrupats sota el estand del Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona. En el seu conjunt, l'oferta turística del Camp ...
II Olimpiada del Baile en Salou
Un total de 2.500 personas procedentes de una cuarentena de países participan desde el 1 de mayo en la II Olimpiada del Baile 2008, que tiene lugar en el Pabellón Municipal de Deportes de Salou hasta el domingo 4 de mayo. Del total de participantes habrá unas 1.000 parejas nacionales e internacionales, y el resto son grupos...
El Trofeo Costa Dorada para Sant Carles de la Ràpita
La regatista Cristina García del Club Nàutico de Sant Carles de la Ràpita se ha adjudicado el Trofeo Costa Dorada de vela que se disputó este pasado fin de semana, organizado por el Club Náutico de Salou. Esta regata, reservada a embarcaciones de la clase Optimist. El Trofeo contó con la participación de un total de 28 rega...
Salou cumple 19 años
El próximo 30 de octubre Salou cumple 19 años como municipio independiente de Vila-seca. Para celebrar esta efeméride histórica la población declaró esta fecha como fiesta mayor, que en la edíción de este año se iniciará el 24 de octubre y finalizará el 1 de noviembre. El programa de actos previsto incluye actividades cultu...
I Feria Marítima de la Costa Dorada
El Secretario por la Movilidad de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Manel Nadal, inaugurará la I Feria Marítima de la Costa Dorada, que se celebrará en el Muelle de Ribera al Puerto de Cambrils entre los días 22 y 25 de mayo. El acto inaugural se realizará a las 19 horas. En esta primera edición, el puerto cambrilense reunirá un...
Elección popular del cartel de las Nits Daurades de Salou 2008
Desde el 26 de mayo y hasta el 8 de junio está abierto el periodo de votación popular para elegir el cartel anunciador de las Noches Doradas de Salou 2008. La votación se debe hacer sobre las 15 obras finalistas que ha selecionado el jurado del XVII Concursos de Carteles convocado por el Ayuntamiento de Salou, y al cual se ...
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