La Pineda Playa
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Reus. Bravium Theater. The bad woman. Reading club.
26 November 2009
Reus. Bravium Theater. The bad woman. Reading club. 8 pm The bad woman In Barcelona, some time ago that there were children dying, children of prostitutes, who dare not report kidnappings to the police. The rumor was becoming more popular and stronger until an inspector, Corvo Moses, a man drinking a little, you think...
Reus. Bravium theater. Woman Side. Theater.
25 November 2009
Reus. Bravium theater. Woman Side. Theater. Bravium Theater 7pm Woman Side Action within minutes of the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF NON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 7 women and one man. 8 ways of living but connected. 8 stereotyped lifestyle choices but perfectly respectable, in other words, 8 ways to find our place in the world...
Reus. Theater Bartrina. El triomf de l'amor.
22 November 2009
Reus. Theater Bartrina. El triomf de l´amor. 6 pm THEATER THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE By Pierre de Marivaux, by the Stable Theater Baix Camp Theater Bartrina.
Reus. Theater Bartrina. El triomf de l'amor.
21 November 2009
Reus. Theater Bartrina. El triomf de l´amor. 9 pm THEATER THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE By Pierre de Marivaux, by the Stable Theater Baix Camp Theater Bartrina.
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Theater.
23 January 2010
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Theater. 8:00 pm THEATER ROSELL Play on the family code in Morocco Directed by Naima Zitan Bravium Theater
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Chains.
10 January 2010
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Chains. 6.30pm Chains With the direction of Rosa Mateu. A production of Teatro Bravium
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Chains.
09 January 2010
Reus. Bravium Teatro. Chains. 8.30pm Chains With the direction of Rosa Mateu. A production of Teatro Bravium
Reus. Teatro Fortuny. Dance.
25 February 2010
Reus. Teatro Fortuny. Dance. 25/2/2010 Compañia Nacional de Danza 2 at Teatro Fortuny de Reus. La Compania Nacional de Danza 2 was created in October 1999 at the initiative of its artistic director, Nacho Duato, with the objective to train and prepare dancers for professional life. It is a bridge between academies and sch...
Reus. Teatro Bartrina. Theater.
27 March 2010
Reus. Teatro Bartrina. Theater. The righteous woman "at Teatro de Reus Bartrina 27/3/2010 "The righteous woman" at Teatro Bartrina Reus. Three monologues, the same history. One afternoon in an elegant pastry shop in Budapest, a woman said to another woman as one day, having found in the wallet of her husband a lavender ri...
Reus. Theater Bartrina. Electra.Theater.
23 May 2010
Reus. Theater Bartrina. Electra.Theater. Electra of Sophocles at the Teatro Bartrina de Reus. Oriol Broggi again go into a Greek tragedy, and this time we proposed to Electra, by Sophocles. This time Broggi has the solvency of the actresses in Theatre Q-Ars, which thus completes the trilogy of Greek heroines started last ...
Reus. Bravium theater. Theater.
07 November 2010
Theatre play: AIXÒ NOMÉS PASSA A LES PEL·LÍCULES (THIS ONLY HAPPENS IN MOVIES) by the COMPANYIA 8 company, directed and written by José Antonio Aguado, at 6 pm at Bravium Theatre, in catalan
Reus. Casal de Dones. Cinema.
24 November 2011
• November 10th: «Elsa y Fred». (Espanya/ Argentina, 2005). Direcció: Marcos Carnevale. 106’. • November 17th: «Quien dijo miedo?». (Hondures / Argentina, 2010). Direcció: Katia Lara. 90. • November 24th: «También la lluvia». (França / Espanya / Mèxic, 2010). Direcció: Icíar Bollaín. 101’.
Reus. Casal de Dones. Cinema.
17 November 2011
• November 10th: «Elsa y Fred». (Espanya/ Argentina, 2005). Direcció: Marcos Carnevale. 106’. • November 17th: «Quien dijo miedo?». (Hondures / Argentina, 2010). Direcció: Katia Lara. 90. • November 24th: «También la lluvia». (França / Espanya / Mèxic, 2010). Direcció: Icíar Bollaín. 101’.
Reus. Casal de Dones. Cinema.
10 November 2011
• November 10th: «Elsa y Fred». (Espanya/ Argentina, 2005). Direcció: Marcos Carnevale. 106’. • November 17th: «Quien dijo miedo?». (Hondures / Argentina, 2010). Direcció: Katia Lara. 90. • November 24th: «También la lluvia». (França / Espanya / Mèxic, 2010). Direcció: Icíar Bollaín. 101’.
Reus. Theater Bartrina. Electra.Theater.
23 May 2010
Reus. Theater Bartrina. Electra.Theater. Electra of Sophocles at the Teatro Bartrina de Reus. Oriol Broggi again go into a Greek tragedy, and this time we proposed to Electra, by Sophocles. This time Broggi has the solvency of the actresses in Theatre Q-Ars, which thus completes the trilogy of Greek heroines started last ...
Reus. Theater Fortuny. Dance.
11 December 2012
Dance show: The Nutcracker, by Txaikovski. Performed by the New Russian Classical Ballet of Moscow. At 9 pm in the Fortuny Theatre. Admission fee: €30/ €27/ €22. Ticket sale through Servicaixa ( and at the theatre ticket office, 1 hour before the show
Reus. Holy Week 2012.
01 April 2012
Performance of “La Passió de Reus”. At 6.30 pm in the Fortuny Theatre, by the Llop's Teatre SF/87 company. Direction: Josep Maria Llop i Cabré. Check prices. In Catalan. Ticket sale through Servicaixa (, at the ticket theatre box office and through phone
Reus. TheaterFortuny. Theater.
23 February 2012
Play: Qui té por de Virginia Woolf? ( Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?), by Edward Albee. At 9 pm at the Fortuny Theatre. Director: Daniel Veronesse. Translation: Josep Maria Pou. Featuring Emma Vilarasau, Pere Arquillué, Mireia Aixalà and Ivan Benet. Admission fee: €30/ €20/€10. In Catalan. Ticket sale through Servicaixa (w...
Reus. Teatre Bartrina. Theater.
12 February 2012
Play: L'Espiadimonis, by Ramon Gomis de Barberà. At the Bartrina Theatre. Shows: Friday and Saturday, at 9 pm; Sunday, at 6 pm. Director: Iban Beltran. Featuring Joan Anguera, Elena Fortuny, Alba Pujol and Muntsa Alcañiz. Admission fee: € 20. Limited seats. In Catalan. Ticket sale throuhg Servicaixa ( and...
Reus. Teatre Bartrina. Theater.
11 February 2012
Play: L'Espiadimonis, by Ramon Gomis de Barberà. At the Bartrina Theatre. Shows: Friday and Saturday, at 9 pm; Sunday, at 6 pm. Director: Iban Beltran. Featuring Joan Anguera, Elena Fortuny, Alba Pujol and Muntsa Alcañiz. Admission fee: € 20. Limited seats. In Catalan. Ticket sale throuhg Servicaixa ( and...
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