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Terres de l'Ebre promoting its heritage temples with the ,Domus Templi,

Tortosa. Terres de l'Ebre. March 10, 2013. The towns of Tortosa,  Miravet,  Lleida, Monsó share legacies of Templar heritage home in the country. In 2002 set up a consortium to promote the preservation and dissemination of this heritage, which led to the creation of a website ( and editing graphics. Since last summer 2013, the city of Tortosa and now chairs the Consortium is preparing to boost the promotion of five Templar castles with a new project that includes the creation of tourist packages, the presence of the Domus Templi social networks, and production of a documentary to be aired unedited theme channels of television and the internet. Today presented the details of this initiative the Councillor for Tourism, Alfredo Ferré, and Seró George, manager of the company In Situ, who was in charge of the project.     The castles of the five municipalities are representative of the best Templar heritage in our country. In Tortosa, the Order backed Ramon Berenguer in the conquest of the city from the Saracens (1148), and in return they gave several properties in the city and its territory. Later, Alfonso the Chaste gave the lordship of the city, located in the Suda Castle, near the family Moncada, who served for a century. Councilman Tursime Alfredo Ferré said that the temple was made this route in order to create a product to promote and boost tourism and strengthen the values ​​of these territories.   Tortosa has explored the possibilities of promoting tourism through the historic Templar legacy in our city with the launch of an RPG inspired by the Knights Templar and has as its historic stage. This is an initiative that arose from the Tourism Promotion Plan, a promotional tool funded by the city of Tortosa and the Department of Tourism of the Generalitat of Catalonia.   The manager of the company In Situ, George Seró explained that the tour packages of Lleida have been finalized and now continue with Miravet of Tortosa, and eventually to Peniscola and Monsoon. "They always made playing with the proximity of municipalities and will last 2 to 3 days," he qualified responsible business.

Tags: costa dorada, mont-ral, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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