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Salou don't want to have to share taxes of Port Aventura with Vilaseca

Salou don't want to have to share taxes of Port Aventura with Vilaseca

Salou.Costa Dorada. February 14, 2012. The City Council Approved Salou has a Rejection motions to amend that accompany them to the Government Budgets for 2012 supondría that, in practice, that is Salou and Vila-seca tendrían that divide indefinitely in equal parts (50%) these taxes Port Aventura generated on these two Municipalities, although the park has its surface mayoritaria within Salou. During these 20 years of later Vilaseca and Salou to have them distributed in equal parts of 2 million euros annually in taxes generates Port Aventura, a full in the future could go up to them aumentando of 6 million euros. The park is located on these two Terms municipalities, but the largest part of its surface is within Salou. Despite this different in spatial effects, this reparto igualitario 20 years ago it was agreed between the two Municipalities and the Government to avoid brand new tensions in danger Pusis the construction of Port Aventura, and more after the voltage consecuencia vivid as the segregation of Salou period of Vila-seca. Salou and Vila-seca Government acordaron in ese momento, 20 years ago, a Consortium formed by the three institutions would be the agencies that regulate relations with Port Aventura, including the collection of the taxes, and that the agreement would be during vigente 20 years. Specifically this month until February 2012. Now, almost 20 years period: Finish the initially planned, the Government of the Generalitat Want to Include in their Budgets for 2012 an Act that amends supondría forzosa the Consortium and the extension, so in that spread them to keep the taxes 50% indefinitely. Salou against This possibility has been denied in part by the plenary meeting of all the groups present in the Political Hall of Salou, this municipality since you Want you to pay taxes on them functions territorio occupied the park in each municipality. Additionally, the City Council considers the extension of Salou forzosa the Consortium does not respects the principle of local autonomy and that is unconstitutional. The mayor of Salou, Peter Granados, I say that Salou has to mantendrá Firm in defending its intereses and ensures that a proposal to Salou había Made Vilaseca establecer in a consistent period: transitorio of five years until that progresivamente, to be llegase a collection of 73% to 27% for Salou and Vila-seca, porcentaje which Depending on the Hall of Salou, the corresponding to each of the two Municipalities. Finalmente, the City Council considers that this new enfrentamiento Salou with Vilaseca present or not determines the investments futuras Port Aventura, which soon will open its new attraction Shambhala.

Tags: costa dorada, salou, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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