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Salou, Costa Dorada's capital, unanimously rejected the new tourist tax

Salou, Costa Dorada's capital, unanimously rejected the new tourist tax

Salou.Costa Dorada. The City of Salou, the capital of the Costa Dorada, approved today, July 25, 2012, unanimously rejecting the application, starting next September, the tourist tax will represent a 21% tax surcharge on all the tourist services. The motion to reject the tourist tax, by the municipal group of Convergence i Unió of Salou, has been advocated on behalf of this group by the Councillor for Tourism, Benet Dams. It is recalled that the City of Salou also rejected, unanimously, the application of the tourist rate the Government will implement soon. The Councillor for Tourism of Salou, Benet Presas, compared the various tourist VAT neighboring countries, including even some economies intervened, such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland, to remark that in all cases the tourist tax is lower than the that will apply from September in Spain. Dams Benet also noted that apart from the areas of accommodation and catering, leisure sector will suffer especially the impact of the VAT increase tourism as tourism and leisure facilities such as Aventura, Aquapolis water park and other similar facilities will increase from support 8% to 21%. A similar situation will suffer the so-called social tourism (Imserso), whose role is key desestacionalizadora. Finally, the Councillor for Tourism of the City of Salou again claimed that part of VAT revenues generated by tourist towns go to the coffers of the municipalities that have to significantly increase service delivery in high season because of large increase in population generated by tourism in these populations, as happens in Salou every year. The motion was approved unanimously by all municipal groups present in the city of Salou. PP spokesman, Mario Garcia, argued the affirmative vote of the motion of your group and against the government's view of Mariano Rajoy, as a matter of consistency, as his group also voted against the introduction of tourist rate will soon be launched by the Government.

Tags: costa dorada, el milà, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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