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A lecture examines the emotions in CaixaForum Tarragona

A lecture examines the emotions in CaixaForum Tarragona

Tarragona. Costa Dorada. Emotions have always been the object of attention from professionals who have taken care of people suffering mental health problems or disorders. Although the role attributed to them in the genesis of these cases and their treatment is different for each of the different schools, all agree in attributing clinical significance to the central consideration in mental health and the psychotherapeutic process. The vision of emotions emanating from clinical practice contrasts with that can be obtained from approaches such as making literature, philosophy, law, basic sciences and other disciplines. Discuss these different views is precisely the aim of the lecture series about the emotions that take place in Tarragona CaixaForum September 26 to October 24 and will be coordinated by the psychiatrist and head of the Psychiatry Department at the University Hospital of Prince Asturias Madrid, Alberto Fernandez Liria. Psychiatrists, psychologists, prosecutors, and philosophers like paleontologists Josep Maria Terricabras, Jordi Agusti, Jose Maria Mena, Jorge Wagensberg and Beatriz Rodriguez, among others, contribute their particular view on emotions like fear, anger, guilt, curiosity or shame over five sessions which involve two speakers that will provide different perspectives on the same state. 

Tags: costa dorada, tarragona, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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