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Free guided tour through the most emblematic places of the Battle of the Ebro

Terres de l'Ebre. Costa Dorada. The Consortium Memorial Spaces of the Battle of the Ebro (COMEBE) organizes until November 28th of 2009 free guided tours to the most emblematic places of the Battle of the Ebro itinerary highlights areas of contention so that visitors can learn more closely as were the last days of the bloodiest battle of the Spanish Civil War. The aim of the new routes is to attract new visitors to the area coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the end of the Civil War. Also included visits to the interpretation centers of Corbera d'Ebre, Pinell de Brai, Vilalba dels Arcs or Batea. The routes have a duration of approximately four hours and leave the last Saturday of each month from Corbera d'Ebre. The visits are open to all and places are limited. To attend only need to confirm attendance with a few days before the phone 977421528 or email via the information request form that is the end of this article. Routes Saturday 26 September 2009: "The path of defeat" Visit the Pueblo Viejo de Corbera d'Ebre. Visit the historic area of the Serra de Pàndols (Cota 705) in Pinell de Brai: Provides an excellent overview of the combat zone and to understand the fundamental role of terrain in the outcome of the battle. There is also the Cube of Peace monument in honor of the survivors of the Quinta del Biberón. Visit the Interpretation Center Voices from the Front in Pinell de Brai: This is an exhibition of audiovisual media to explain the role of messages and propaganda throughout the battle and lines of communication between both sides, each of side in the rear and away from these lands. Visit the shelter of the Plaza de la Font Major of Benissanet: This is a shelter built during the battle by girls Benissanet and soldiers residing in the township. Saturday 31 October 2009: "The rear" Visit the Pueblo Viejo de Corbera d'Ebre. Visit the historic area of the Canyons in Vilalba dels Arcs: Set consists of a long line of trenches with shelters, wells and trenches evacuation shooter, where visitors can experience the daily life of soldiers at the front. Visit Pansy Franco's army of the Moro Coll Gandesa: here is where Franco led some of the most important counter-Battle. Moreover, this point offers a unique view of the mountains of Pàndols and Cavalls, de Bot, Gandesa and Corbera. Visit the Interpretation Center hospitals in Bats: We present the structure of health care to the wounded during the battle and shows the findings and expertise of the new sanitation techniques. Saturday 28 November 2009: "115 days of combat" Visit the Pueblo Viejo de Corbera d'Ebre. Visit the Interpretation Center 115 days in Corbera d'Ebre: Explanation of what was the Battle of the Ebro political, military and especially human. Through an innovative museum installation, which combines audio and visual, you can relive the sensations and the hardness of the conflict. The aim is to reflect on war and the importance of reconciliation with the past. This is also the host, information, reception and routes. Visit the Memorial at Les Camposines Faterella: It consists of a well preserved small shelter, which was used as a rest area for the forces defending the Republican Ebro withdrawal and a small line of trench which protected old access road the population. Visit the historic area of Devees in Faterella: formed by a well-preserved small shelter, which was used as a rest area for the forces defending the Republican Ebro withdrawal and a small line of trench which protected old access road the population. Remember to attend only need to confirm attendance with a few days before the phone 977421528 or email via the information request form that:

Tags: costa dorada, valls, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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