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Dutch travel agents are trained on the Costa Dorada

Dutch travel agents are trained on the Costa Dorada

Tarragona. Costa Dorada. February 21, 2013. The Tourism Council of Tarragona Province has organized a course aimed at online travel agents that Dutch runs through December. This course continues the current online market German, Dutch and Belgian launched in 2012, which ends next May. In the hands of the company Travmedia Company, the course also features the collaboration of various organizations of the Costa Dorada. From June 2012 until May this year, travel agents, Germans, Dutch and Belgians can participate in an on-line course to improve their knowledge on the Gold Coast. Today they have completed the course, obtaining a diploma in our destination experts, a total of 678 German travel agents, 344 agents and 531 agents Belgian Dutch. In order to continue this training activity, to December Dutch travel agents will continue forming on the Gold Coast. The Dutchman is a market that represents 13% of international demand for our destination. Also, under the agreement with the company responsible for the course, Travmedia Company, provides a report in the paper edition of the magazine, with a circulation of TravMagazine 10,049 copies and reaching 98% Dutch-travel agents, 20,000 impressions for a banner to your website, and a lot of 10 lots of beauty products to encourage participation in the course. This educational activity is organized by the Tourist Board of the Province, for this action, has the collaboration of the municipal tourism Calafell Cambrils, Hospitalet de l'Infant, Salou, Tarragona, Vendrell Vilaseca, Tourism Competitiveness Plan of Roman Tarraco and PortAventura. The aim of the course is to train travel agents on the tourism of the Costa Dorada, with a special focus on municipalities collaborators, in order to increase sales volume at our destination. The activity has a theoretical part on the Costa Dorada (with text, pictures and videos) and a practical part with a questionnaire on the first part.

Tags: costa dorada, calafell, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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