Ocio, turismo y fin de semana

Reus / Noticias / Cultura

Salou reúne más de una veintena de grupos de gigantes de toda Cataluña

Salou has more than twenty groups of Giants from all over Catalonia

Baix Camp. Costa Dorada. Region Council of Baix Camp has made € 123,000 from the ERDF 2007-2011 for finance 50% of the project "Tourism Development Plan of the Gold Coast Mountains: creating the corporate image and communication campaign. This project is valued at 246,000 euros and is a phase of Tourist Development Plan being developed by the Region Council of Baix Camp to promote tourism as a sector of economic revitalization in 19 municipalities in the district. The president of District Council of Baix Camp, Josep Masdeu, explained that these actions are part of the backbone of the county management entity that is aimed at economic revitalization and job creation. Thus, in addition to ERDF aid initiatives and resources that the Council is making available for this purpose such as Leader aid to encourage investment of private initiative in the municipalities inside the PUOSC aid, training programs and employment plans. On the ERDF, Masdeu explained that the project financed by the funds intended to create a brand image that will bring together the tourism offer indoor as well as designing and preparing the marketing plan and communication must spread the tourist attractions of "the territory . The tourism brand covers the ways of the Mountains in a casual and modern, that plays with the colors green and brown - gold of nature and the mountain, but it also refers to the gold coast to the interior wants that be referred to as differentiated and complementary tourism product. In addition, the Tourism Development Plan for the year 2009 also provides for the establishment of the Interpretation Center of the natural and ethnographic Prades mountains and tourist signs for the 19 municipalities included in the Plan with 279 signals. These two projects are in progress and will be finalized later this year 2009. Therefore, the investment will be made this year of 360,000 euros The Tourism Promotion Plan of the Gold Coast Mountains provides investment 1 .080.000 euros in the period 2009-2011, and the creation of another interpretation Riudecanyes center, information center and hosted visitors from the Sierra de Llaberia in Pratdip and Promotion Center Arbolí climbing, new routes and tourism products to disseminate the values of this area. The Development Plan also includes actions related to improving the quality of tourism services currently available. Recall that mountain communities and benefiting from domestic operations under the Tourism Development Plan are: Albiol, Arbolí, Aleixar, Saddle, almost, Argentera, Les Borges del Camp, Botarell, Capafonts, Colldejou, Duesaigües in Febró, Maspujols, Prades, Pratdip Riudecanyes, Riudecols, Escornalbou Vilanova, Vilaplana.  

Etiquetas: costa dorada, l'albiol, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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