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Children of the space Carrilet draw up a nativity scene in clay

Children of the space Carrilet draw up a nativity scene in clay

Salou. Costa Dorada. Children who attend the area of childhood The Carrilet are already immersed in the Christmas and the many activities that are taking place, there is the making of a very original crib, made of clay and in which young people participate actively. "We want to stimulate more Xic's Club and involve more children in the town, many of them already know that the train they meet a variety of recreational activities and learning," said the Councillor for Children Julia Gomez. This week has been already completed all the figures that have been working in the formal representation of all the figures of the nativity scene in the last clay workshops. This is an activity that has been very well received by children and that has brought together more than seventy young artists every day to work this material modeled to create the sheep, trees, kings , St. Joseph and the Virgin Mary or the ox and the ass, among many others. The crèche will be open during the Christmas hall in the building, and these days the child will be exposed in the center Carrilet.

Tags: costa dorada, salou, town festival, concert, coso blanco, carnival, easter, clubs, dj
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