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Local Police starts Christmas security device

Salou. Costa Dorada. December 5, 2012. Parallel Operation Grevol special security to be held in the whole of the Catalan countryside this Christmas in joint patrols with local police and Catalan police to strengthen security standard, the local police in Salou activated their own local safety campaign called 'Let's work together for safety. " Intensive and random device which distributed leaflets explaining calendars and phones with the local police in Salou. Daily, Local Police officers patrol all the shopping and leisure, with the aim of enhancing the surveillance this Christmas in Salou. The campaign will be based on daily proximity with our retailers and aims: turn every website to explain a series of recommendations, ie measures to improve safety, contact with police officers quickly and avoid well together, possible crimes and thefts. Among the recommended advice from the Department of Public Safety, Civil Protection and Mobility, through the local police, are the following: Do not accumulate cash in the cash register and empty them often. -Avoid carrying large amounts of money in banks and do it gradually, without waiting to the end of trading. -Always check the safety measures to avoid ticket scams fake. -Limit the access roads to the property to facilitate control and prevent escape in case of theft. -With signs that warn customers can ask to teach their bags, backpacks. Install-chip security products. Remember that credit cards are personal and confidential. To be thorough when checking the data of the cardholder. -If any irregularity is suspected or strange movement, not to enter into discussions with discretion and notify the police. According to the Mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, "this special operating joint patrols with local police and regional police, not only enhance the normal security presence in most areas of highest concentration of shopping and leisure, but it based on preventive action, information and outreach, with more and more closely with the trade to address their concerns and demands and avoid small crime during the Christmas and sales. " The mayor highlighted the local campaign, 'Let's work together for safety "and added that" the significant number of recommendations are made to traders, especially those relating to any suspicion that notice is given to the police or servants, thus helping to ensure better security. " The Councillor for Public Safety, Civil Protection and Mobility, Mark Alarcon, said that the campaign "Let's work together for safety '," will complement and strengthen the operation Holly usual vigilance on our streets and shops, but more informed traders in an era of multiple purchases and busy streets, helpful advice about security. "

Tags: costa dorada, salou, leisure, sports acitivades, town festival, nightlife, party, drink, go drinking, partying
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