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Children learn about nature at the Botanical Park in Salou

Salou. Costa Dorada. The City of Salou offers a range of free activities to learn about nature at the Botanic Park in Salou. The program for children between the ages of Salou in 9 to 12 years will be held the third Saturday of each month (from November to May). Aims to bring the environment and promote conservation and respect towards nature in a fun and educational. The Councillor for Health and Environment, Montserrat Porter explained, "This program seeks the involvement and interaction of children with Botanic Park Salou throughout the year, so that children have the space as a model of coexistence between nature and city, from an educational and fun links "and added that" the children will discover and learn the secrets of nature playing and having a shared morning and different " . Moreover, the fact that it will observe an annual program offered by the Botanic Park transformation throughout the year. Thus, during the course, children can practice all kinds of space-related activities such as meet and handle and plant species, planting, pruning or by cuttings. The aim is to enhance the environment using their own plant debris for compost as organic fertilizer or encourage the presence of animals through the manufacture and placement of nest boxes. The goal is to create a new space for socialization and discovery of nature and the environment for the children of the municipality, through direct contact and continuous throughout the year and Botanical between participants. Those interested can make the registration of Salou Town Council, the Department of Environment of Salou on the third floor of City Hall.  

Tags: costa dorada, mont-ral, practical guide, useful guide, program events, tours
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