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Quality label for various establishments in Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant and Pratdip

Quality label for various establishments in Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant and Pratdip

Vandellòs. Costa Dorada. November 12, 2012. A total of five tourist attractions MIDIT the territory of the federation that oversees economic development Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant, and Tivissa Pratdip received a quality award. To get the badge, these establishments (Deviteca, food shop and catering L'Hospitalet de l'Infant, Sec necessary, in a rural Masboquera; must Barceló, a rural Vandellòs, Hotel Sancho the Hospitalet, and Cal Menescal, a rural Pratdip) have passed an audit voluntarily. In these audits, which commissioned the consulting firm Blue MIDIT Advisors, are evaluated various aspects, such as the use of local products. Thus, these establishments have been able to know what the situation is and prove that provide quality services. The same can get all the tourist attractions of the territory MIDIT (restaurants and hotels) as they have started this project because the commonwealth still underway. Thus, employers who wish to undergo an audit, you can still register by calling the Office of Technical MIDIT (tel. 977 569 030). This action included in the Strategic Plan MIDIT 2020, the Association for Comprehensive Development Initiatives Territory Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant, and Tivissa Pratdip tourism industry wants to ensure a quality of excellence • excellence, According to its president and mayor of Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant, Alfonso Garcia accompanied the same town councilor for Tourism, Alex laurustinus, and mayor Pratdip Joseph Montané during the ceremony hallmark, which took place on Monday November 12 at the auditorium of the Town of L'Hospitalet de l'Infant.

Tags: costa dorada, mont-ral, restaurants and tapas, food fairs, gastronomic, wine culture
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