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The San Rafael school participates in the III Conference of Romesco

The San Rafael school participates in the III Conference of Romesco

Tarragona. Costa Dorada October 19, 2012. Students from Public School Special Education Council of the San Rafael part of these days Romesco III Conference, held in Tarragona from 9 to 28 October. Specifically, have joined the activity "The Romesco Schools," an educational initiative aimed at schools in Tarragona and aim to work on traditional romesco bite. A group of students from the workshop of-Home Hospitality Programme Transition to Adult Life has enjoyed this week's demonstration romescaire directed by Xavier Veciana, manager of the restaurant "El Balandre" the Seraglio, with the help the boys and girls of San Rafael developed the typical romesco sauce, served with mussels (cold variety) and cuttlefish with potatoes (hot variety). This educational initiative aims to bring students to the culinary culture and traditions of our land. Romesco is a typical food in Tarragona, with references dating from the early twentieth century and its development located in the same boat of the fishing district of Tarragona The Seraglio.

Tags: costa dorada, tarragona, museums, literary awards, theaters, concerts, music, festivals
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