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Cambrils ready for an intense Night of Fire

Cambrils ready for an intense Night of Fire

Cambrils. Costa Dorada. The Plaça Espanya will be the venue for the 18th Nit del Foc, starting at 6 pm with the Correfoc for Children by the children´s Colla Devils of La Selva del Camp. After this the children in the correfoc will be able to enjoy a chocolatada (a chocolate drink) and a Medieval Parade with the group of The Puppeteers of Binéfar. But the fun does not end here. At 10pm the concentration of the correfoc participants will take place and the correfoc will begin at 10:30 pm through the streets of the Old Town. This will involve correfoc groups from Garraf, The Tarragonès, Mallorca and Baix Penedès among others. The mascletà will be held at Plaza del Setge at 11:30 pm and a free concert by the Foundation No Hay Manera and La Carrau will close the evening.

Tags: costa dorada, cambrils, museums, literary awards, theaters, concerts, music, festivals
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