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Senan and its surroundings

Barberà de la Conca
Senan and its surroundings

 It is an easy walk for the entire lot Senan approaching in the neighboring town of Espluga Calba at Garrigues. It presents no great difficulties for mileage or for drops. Can be defined therefore as a suitable route for those who consider the bicycle as an element of walking. To reach Senan from any town of the Conca, go to the Espluga of Francolí situated at the foot of the N-420. This town has always maintained a very close bond with Senan, as has traditionally been their market. The road linking Espluga of Francolí Senan is the T-232, which follows the ravine Reguer several kilometers. It is a winding road on one stretch after Senan, just change the province, is now known as L-232 and ends at Omella na Gaia. The village is characterized by buildings with stone that have been recovering in recent years. You can choose the corner of the Fountain, located in the Raval de la Font, the lower part of town (E), as a point of departure and arrival. 0.00 km (607 m). Since the fountain is uploaded to the road T-232, to be taken to the left (NO) and continue for 400 m in the direction of na Omella Gaia. 0.74 km (607 m). Leave the road and breaks down a path on the left (O). 0.94 km (601 m). Fork: go straight up (NOT) to, once up, go left on SW. This way, in good condition, runs between wheat fields and olive groves, called deep del Pozo leaving the sides of Mas Batllevell and Heir. Leave some paths left and right always following the main track. 1.74 km (585 m). Before a small forest, there is a new branch: we go straight (NW) leaving a detour to the left. 6.88 km (465 m). Branching. Leave a detour to the right (N), which goes towards the road that connects with Espluga Calba, Omella na Gaia, and continue to the left (O / OS) as the side of the ravine Rinet. The path will end with a lap that will Senan. 7.67 km (456 m). It follows the same track, as far from Espluga Calba, becomes more steep. During 5 or 6 km along a large area, known as Els Plans, where it crosses other tracks. The successive bifurcations that are needed to continue always straight up. 14.98 km (700 m). In the last crossing pass, and without leaving the track (in progress NE), begins a rapid descent to the road that leads to T-232 again. 16.02 km (632 m). Road T-232: take it to the left (NOT) to break past 110 m, also left (OS) for a street that descends to rediscover the path of return (16.21 km, 617 m), which rolled to the starting point. 16.41 km (607m). Racó de la Font. End of itinerary. Landmarks Masos Batllevell  and de l´Hereu Els Plans Fondo del Pou Counties: Conca de Barberá Length: 16:41 km Climb Slope: 290.0 m Descent Altitude: 290.0 m Signage: Partly Duration: 1 hr 3 min Topics: Nature | Culture     Criteria of usage of these routes   See restaurants here See hotels here Source: Government of Catalonia. Directorate General of Tourism / Data Update: 19/12/2008

Tags: costa dorada, barberà de la conca, visit salou, visit cambrils, visit tarragona, visit reus, visit la pineda playa
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