Leisure, tourism and weekend

Reus / Diary / 3.LaPinedaPlaya

Vilaseca. Pau Casals Route with organ music

08 June 2013 22:30

Telephone: 977 18 18 19

On Saturday 8 June at 10.30 pm from the birth house of Pau Casals, one of the routes begin with Pau Casals  scheduled for organ in 2013. To participate you need to register in advance.

The birth house of Pau Casals, the Villa Museo Pau Casals and Pau Casals Auditorium and offered in conjunction with the Friends of the Organ of Vendrell, guided tours of the vital areas of the Master with a hearing organ in church parish Vendrell.

The tour begins at the birth house of Pau Casals, where visitors can learn how was your childhood and your relationship with Vendrell. The route continues towards the church with a guide that will broaden the knowledge of the past and present Vendrell. In the church visitors can watch and listen to the Baroque organ, recently restored, the young Pau Casals played when he was nine.

The overall price of this route is 10 euros. There is a reduced price of 7.5 euros for groups of over 15 people, the unemployed, students, and members TR3SC Vendrell. For children under 8 years the route is free.

Pau Casals route with organ

Where: Native Home of Pau Casals
When: 10:30 am
Price:  10 euros

Tags: costa dorada, vila-seca, music, concerts, musical cycles, tickets, pau casals, organ
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