Leisure, tourism and weekend

Reus / Diary / 1.Salou

The 8th Day of Ethnology Terres de l'Ebre, in Pinellas Brai

17 October 2009


8 ª. Jornada d'Etnologia de las Tierras del Ebro, que inaugurará el director territorial de Cultura y Medios de Comunicación, F. Xavier Vega, acompañado del alcalde de El Pinell de Brai, Pere Martí, y la presidenta de la Asociación Pi del Broi, Antonia Serres, a las 10.00 la sede La Pianola (c.Miravet, 53) El Pinell de Brai.   After the opening, the development of the day is with a conference under "The holy shrines and routes as knot of contradictions," by Josefina Roma, a professor at the University of Barcelona. And then, there will be the presentation of the different communications on schedule:  "Popular religion and festive in the Terra Alta", by Mn. Josep Alanya, canon of the Cathedral of Tortosa and director of the diocesan archive.  "The hermitages of Baix Ebre Yesterday and Today" by Joan Sebastian Munoz-Hilari, historian. "Marine processions in the Lands of the Ebro" by Xavier Figueras and Toni Letters, historians. "Terres de l'Ebre, are a cross between the popular religious celebrations of nature? Rituals penitential pilgrimages" by Alvar Monferrer, Doctor of Philosophy and Literature from the University of Barcelona.  "The hermitages as a meeting" by Salvador Palomar Montserrat Solà, Carrutxa members.

Tags: costa dorada, mont-ral, local festivals, summer parties, beach parties, sant joan, mona, sant jordi, santa tecla, san magí, sant pere, misericòrdia, gastronomic festivals, calçotadas, christmas, easter
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