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Timidly starts the tourist season on the Costa Dorada

Best Terramarina Hotel

Salou. Costa Dorada. 05 June 2020.
Since Monday, June 8, 2020, the Costa Dorada is already in phase 3 of deconfusion. This means that mobility is allowed between Catalan health regions that are in the same phase, but not between autonomous communities. However, this advance in the lack of confidence is encouraging the tourist sector of the Costa Dorada, which is starting to open hotels, like the Best Terramarina de la Pineda Playa, and campsites like the Sangulí de Salou.

Thus, on June 5, the first hotel on the Costa Dorada at the time of COVID19, the Best Terramarina, opened on the seafront in Pineda Playa (Vila-seca). This 4-star establishment has 80 rooms and a maximum capacity of up to 280 guests. But in this gradual start, it expects to reach 20% occupancy, taking into account that until the state of alarm ends, it will only be able to accommodate residents of the province of Tarragona.

The hotel expects that the price offer, of up to 40% less (80 euros during the week and 100 euros at the weekend, per room) , and the location and quality of the Best Terramarina facilities will be attractive enough to attract the first visitors.

This is how the Corporate General Manager of Best Hotels, Joan Alcubilla explains it : "We are fully aware that we only open for clients in the province, but we are sure that for people who have been locked up at home to be able to enjoy the beach today, without anyone and with the sea like an oil raft, it can be worth it".

To open its doors, the hotel has implemented various security measures, such as a welcome kit for guests with hydro-alcoholic gel and mask, and with electronic procedures at the reception and restaurant, where there will be a shift system for meals for the first time. 

Other security measures

Other security measures against COVID19 implemented by Best Terramarina have been to put disinfecting foot mats and hydro-alcoholic gel dispensers at the accesses. Check-in and check-out is preferably done electronically to avoid exchanging documentation .

In addition, elements have been removed from common areas to prevent them from becoming possible sources of contagion, and circulation routes have been established to guarantee a distance of two meters between clients.

In the rooms, brochures, documentation and blankets have been removed, and the amenities have been reduced to the minimum expression -gel and ch ampu-, and the rest are delivered on request. "We have only left what is essential and have reduced the elements that more than one person can touch," summarizes Alcubilla .

In the bar and in the restaurant, paper cards have been removed and each table has a QR code with which the menu can be accessed by mobile phone. In addition, the buffet is protected by screens and customers will have to ask the waiters to serve them what dese e n consume.
Progressive opening of hotels amid uncertainty

The Best group, with 13 hotels and 4,000 rooms on the Costa Dorada, has already planned an opening calendar for other hotels, located in Cambrils and Salou. Specifically:

According to the CEO of the Best group, "to brir is a bet, but at some point we have to take the first step, although we know that we cannot have any reference to know how we will be on July 15 or August 30" , since that there is no certainty as to when mobility between autonomous communities will be allowed, nor if the opening of borders will actually take place on or before July 1, nor is it known whether reservations will be revalidated. " We will always be at the last minute watching what happens , and adapting ourselves day by day to reality", said Joan Alcubilla. 

His assessment is that “we are starting from scratch and the season will not be good. We will have limitations and the international market may not even reach 50%, and everyone will try to capture the national market ” , explains the head of Best Hotels. In spite of everything, the objective, he points out, is to start giving service, checking the proper functioning of the protocols and being able to give guarantees to visitors, under standard criteria at a European level. 

Camping Sangulí Salou prepares for opening national and international customer 

The Camping Resort Sangulí Salou plans to open its doors on June 26, just after of which is expected to end the state of emergency on June 22.

The campsite covers 30 hectares and is one of the best on the Costa Dorada with a themed offer of resort and a complete variety of accommodation options if you opt for the camping offer.

As reported by the Sangulí management, they have created their own specialized technical committee to design and control demanding health safety protocols , including the recommendations of the Spanish Institute for Tourist Quality (ICTE). The goal is to get the "Safe Tourism Certified", a label that certifies that the establishment displaying it meets the protocols of the ICTE, once you have passed an audit by independent companies that guarantee n the proper implementation and monitoring the protocols. 

The Sangulí Salou hopes that with the opening of European borders on July 1, the confidence of the Dutch, Irish and British market will be maintained, which has always been a prominent client of its accommodation offer on the Costa Dorada.

Etiquetes: salou, costa dorada, tourism, hotels, campsite
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