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Gastrotour, the route covers Salou, added 73 stores in its third edition

The Gastrotour includes the development of children's caps in a circuit called Baby Tour with 35 establishments
Tapas Gastrotour Salou 2014

Salou. Costa Dorada. 06 May 2014. A total of 73 establishments participating this year in Gastrotour 2014, the route covers Salou that this time has been divided into two circuits, one for the old town and center of Salou area and the other establishments in the coast. This third edition of Gastrotour begin on Thursday, the 8th, and will run until Sunday, June 1.

The tapas, accompanied by a beer, have a price of 2.50 euros and, on the other hand, in 35 of the 73 establishments that are part of Salou Gastrotour children also serve tapas, a circuit known as Baby Tour.

Salou is the only municipality that offers a familiar circuit covers, with covers designed especially for younger, plus tapas establishments offering sweets. This year also, and as a curiosity, an establishment dedicated to pets has prepared a cover for dogs, although not part of the circuit Gastrotour Salou.

Gastronomic route

People who want to enjoy this gastronomic route can be downloaded in pdf the 'Gastrotour Salou 2014' or can be picked up at participating establishments. They are identified by a conspicuous sign at the entrance. The catalog Gastrotour Salou shows the location of the participating establishments, photography and description of the cover offered and the schedule in which these tastings will be served.

Meanwhile, the Association of Salou and Traders has released 2.000 chips as currency among partner institutions, these give away to their customers which entitle to a tasting Gastrotour Salou.

In addition to this promotion, places to eat, participating in a sweepstakes offer Gastrotour several awards; there will also be a photo contest through Instagram platform and participants try five different tapas will also gift: a hat "Gastrotour Salou 2014" limited edition.

Finally, and once finished this third edition of Salou Gastrotour will rank the best tapas and recognition is given to the restaurateur who wins.

The Gastrotour Salou supported Salou City Council through the City Department of Promotion and the collaboration of several companies and associations.



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Etiquetes: gastrotour salou, salou tapas, tapas route salou, costa dorada, gastronomy, baby tour, tasting
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