Canyon Cambrils Park, new cycling appointment in April 2015
Salou, Cambrils. Costa Dorada. 18 January 2015. The cyclosportive launched Cambrils Park Canyon will take place on April 18 with arrival and departure at the resort Cambrils Park. It’s expected to increase participation (with up to 2,000 participants) after the success of the first edition, which was attended by 1,000 runners coming from all parts of Catalonia, Spain and other European countries like France, Holland and Belgium . This quote is already published in the official calendar of the Catalan Cycling Federation (FCC), the Royal Spanish Cycling Federation (RFEC) and International Cycling Union (UCI).
The Cambrils Park Canyon maintain the 2 rounds of the first edition. One short of 106 km with 1800 meters of positive slope, and one long completing 184 km and 2,900 m of positive slope. The march will run for the fantastic roads of the Baix Camp and Priorat showing all participants own scenic beauty of Priorat and Montsant as main references. Some populations will step Cambrils (Vilafortuny) - Cambrils - Mont-Roig del Camp - Colldejou - The Tower of Fontaubella - Brand - Falset - Gratallops - Vilella Baja - Cabacés - La Bisbal of Falset - Margalef - Ulldemolins - Albarca - Cornudella de Montsant - La Morera de Montsant - Scala - Poboleda - Porrera - Duesaigües - Riudecanyes - Montbrió del Camp - Vinyols i Els Arcs - Cambrils (Vilafortuny).
During the presentation of the Canyon Cambrils Park, Frank Araneta, head of New Product Cambrils Park Resort, and Mercè Dalmau, mayor of Cambrils, underlined the commitment cycling being carried out since 2013 on the Costa Dorada. In recent years, Cambrils and Costa Dorada are being consolidated as a reference for the practice of cycling thanks to the mild climate throughout the year and also for the exceptional road network. About 2,000 km of roads with virtually no traffic and spectacular scenery are the main attractions for cyclists from across Europe seeking, especially in the spring, autumn and winter to escape the cold and wet climates.
The cyclist test is organized by the Cicloturista Peña Cambrils Costa Dorada Cycling company, along with Cambrils Park Resort and with the cooperation of the City of Cambrils, the Tourist Board of Cambrils and Costa Dorada and Tarragona 2017.
The Canyon Cambrils Park will also serve to honor the former professional cyclist Melcior Mauri also names the I Campus cycling Melchor Mauri-Costa Dorada. The campus will be held from 5 to 8 March in Cambrils.
Etiquetes: costa dorada,
touring by bicycle