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In April the first phase of the remodeling of Carles Buïgas street will finish

Removal works on Carles Buïgas street in Salou

Salou. Costa Dorada. 23 September 2020.
The works to remodel Carles Buïgas street in Salou are already underway. This is a very ambitious project on one of the most important roads in the capital of the Costa Dorada, and will be carried out in two phases, the first of which is scheduled to end on April 30.

Carles Buïgas Street measures 1 kilometer and 200 meters, with an average width of 13 meters and is the natural continuation of the Jaume I promenade to Los Capellans beach, linking these two areas of the municipality.

The Carles Buïgas street remodeling project seeks to reconvert the street into a space especially designed for pedestrians, especially considering that it is a street that houses restaurants, leisure and tourist accommodation businesses, as well as shops.

This first phase, which is already underway, includes the section between the Fuente Luminosa and the Andorra avenue to the Murillo street, with a total of 500 meters. Basically, 6,500 m² of polished asphalt paving will be built, with different shades of colors and textures, distributed in triangular shapes and an attractive geometry. It is a modern, continuous pavement, widely used in Central European countries.

70 new benches will also be installed to rest and 85 new trees of various sizes and colors will be planted, to accentuate the sensation of shade in the promenade areas. Tree varieties (such as silver linden, hackberry, purple bauhinia, or red plum) will grow in "forest effect" clusters.

The budget for the works is almost 2.4 million euros, which are in charge of the Salou City Council.

The mayor, Pere Granados, also recalled the participation of residents in the project through a process of citizen participation that has allowed the incorporation of different suggestions collected such as enlarging the drawer to improve the drainage and other aspects related to the aesthetics of the street Carles Buïgas.

Etiquetes: salou, costa dorada, carles buïgas, works
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